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Wednesday July 8, 1998

Extra! Extra! Newsies
Nix Facts for Glitz

By Eugene Patterson

Journalists should have seen it coming.

In the past few decades, this newspaperman has witnessed--from perches as editor of the Atlanta Constitution and a member of the Pulitzer Prize board--old-fashioned journalism undermined by several trends. Journalists assumed the adversary stance toward government when the opposition party flagged in hostility. Press-conference television favored the reporter whose questions turned from firm but fair to rude and accusatory. TV conferred celebrity on the quick and glib.

Celebrity brought money and glory to those reporters swift with the sound bite. Huge speaking fees set the famous ones to writing windy orations instead of muscular news stories. The old rumpled reporter chewing on his pencil got his suit pressed and his hair styled--and wound up on camera, where real reporters don't belong.

Higher pay and lower modesty in the ranks coincided with the newsroom brass becoming soft. By turning papers' content over entirely to reporters, editors disempowered their subeditors. At the same time, remnants remained of a 1960s foolishness called New Journalism which suggested it was all right to improve a true story the way Truman Capote and Norman Mailer did in "In Cold Blood" and "The Executioner's Song."

Against such a background of rotting values, some journalists would be sure to forget the bedrock value of decent journalism: Cut no corners. So Janet Cooke, Patricia Smith and Stephen Glass made up stories in the Washington Post, the Boston Globe and The New Republic, respectively.

Journalists used falsehoods to advance their politically correct predilections. It's fashionable to dislike the military, so CNN/Time wrongly reported the Army had used sarin against U.S. defectors in Laos; big business is suspect, so the Cincinnati Enquirer's reporter used stolen documents to try to tar Chiquita; the Central Intelligence Agency is seen as a conspiratorial octopus, so the San Jose Mercury News suggested in a series of articles that the U.S. was complicit in Los Angeles narcotics imports, charges the paper later retracted.

And there was no crusty deskman who used to warn, "You're making a stove out of steel wool here."

Perhaps the business side has played a part in the decline of professional standards. The concentration of media ownership in a few hands has come at the price of commitment to public service. Publicly held chains must pay attention to the sensitivities of securities analysts, and those birds are not overly sentimental about good intentions that might dilute shareholders' profits. Add to the mix competition from new technologies like the Internet, and front offices start trying to count jumping beans.

Cranky owners of the only paper in town are seldom around anymore to tell demanding advertisers, "You can take your ad across the street." For the advertisers can now yank ads and hand them to direct mailers. They can walk ads over to a TV channel or buy a whole 30-minute infomercial.

They can buy consecutive pages in magazines with the space ambiguously labeled "paid for." They've gained purchase on newspaper advertising managers. Just note those two-column ads floating right in the middle of the stock market quotations so as to obstruct the reader's eye.

Managers can feel the heat when they bend old rules. When the publisher announces he's going to tear down the Chinese Wall between the advertising department and the newsroom, as Mark Willes has done at the Los Angeles Times, it helps him if he has journalistic credentials. If, like Mr. Willes, he's a marketer who has not lived through the inevitable tensions between printing the truth and displeasing influential people, he is not helped with the troops.

Editors and beat reporters are bred by nature and trained by experience to monitor such business-side developments. When some distant corporate headquarters gets the local editor talking Dilbert-speak about FTEs (full-time equivalents) and MBOs (management by objective), the signal is noted. Hand-licking fads like "civic journalism" may soothe the business office into thinking maybe those bomb throwers in the newsroom are finally going to grow up and get nice. But once a couple of public projects blow up in the face of a newspaper that has promoted them in its news columns, journalists are likely to get back to covering the public officials who were elected to do this work.

So it's useful to note that the resurgence of the business side, which is suffering pressures on its own values, accompanies the softening of the news side's standards--standards on which a paper's public credibility rests.

Journalism is in a rough patch. So let me repair to the axiom of the late Vermont Royster, whose stylish editorials in this newspaper disarmed his enemies by conceding their strengths before he attacked them. "First you give them something," Mr. Royster used to say, "then you take it away."

Given the glaring faults of contemporary journalism, I remain confident that the news media will learn the lessons of the recent embarrassments and succeed in pulling up their socks before the public loses faith in them. The written word is going to prevail as the reliable record of a free and reflective society, no matter what technology delivers it to the reader, and the tough idealists who take up this line of work will be committed in the main merely to telling the truth.

[Mr. Patterson is the former editor of the St. Petersburg Times and a former editor at the Washington Post.]

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