Thursday December 24, 1998
By Tony Artero, Pacific News Bureau
AGANA, Guam - Having won the wars in the Atlantic and in the Pacific theaters during World War II, America took on the, "We're invincible! We can do no wrong!" attitude. With the widespread practice of ignoring the rule of law and accountability in favor of fraud, waste, and abuse, in less than 54 years after WWII, the public debt to the penny reached $5,496,567,867,122.10 [Source: Bureau of the Public Debt].
I think it started with the forceful land takings from land owners on Guam, without just compensation. Then followed by the abusive use of the land and Washington's repressive land policy operated as a stern economic embargo that eroded Guam's independence and undercut its future.
Especially so, the minimum wage, worker's compensation, rent control, Social Security and progressive taxation. Even the brilliant Conservative Richard Bork has said "...[T]he takings clause is at the center of the Constitution ... the judiciary has an obligation to move towards a minimalist state by striking down everything within the reach of that clause. However, all new government regulations are an interference, and takings of private property that are compensable by the state."
Sadly, for Guam, the concern for takings of private property does not seem to extend to those of us who have suffered the greatest past losses along with Native Americans and Afro Americans.
In this island colonial economy, the President of the United States makes certain that public assistance is only given if the recipient compromises personal integrity, in the process. But greed and the ease of $$$ worship have everyone on Guam divided, which have eroded work ethics and family values.
Then there was the extended nuclear bomb testing in the Pacific to the extent of permanent injuries to people. The Bay of Pigs operation in Cuba. And the WRONG war in Viet Nam and other similar fiascos, not to mention the bombing of Iraq in an attempt to defuse the impeachment hearings.
Worse yet, after 100 years under the U.S. flag, the citizens of Guam still are not permitted to have the deciding voice in its local Government. In the November 3, General Election here, Washington permitted non citizens and others to register and vote illegally. Those votes made the difference in the outcome of the election.
It is another sordid example of clear and blatant disregard of our Constitutional rights and compromises our sense of what good government should be. With handouts as bribes, no wonder the government of Guam is seen as a welfare colony with a corrupt election process.
Mr. Clinton's egregious conduct while at the same time peddling faulty logic that he should not be impeached baffled even the Constitution experts. At any rate, it has come to this. We are diminished by the failure of president Clinton to fulfill the rule of law in his conduct. America finally reached its lowest point of respectability worldwide. This Christmas, the gifts we received from those in power are the impeachment of our Commander In Chief and the election runoff.
I think the fear most people have is what's imminently before us: starvation, unrest, looting, and outbreak of uncontrollable violence, death and destruction. Guam is certainly not immune to any of them.
In times like these, who is?[Editor's note: Tony Artero is the Chief of the Pacific News Bureau for the Territory of Guam.]
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You Can Trust These Polls By Howard Hobbs, Editor's Desk
Public Opinion Polls By the Pew Organization Since 1995.
WASHINGTON - Every political poll reporting public opinion on the impeachment of William Jefferson Clinton is set in the jargon of science. Most of these polls, however, fail to replicate the rigor imposed upon scientific studies. Why? Political polling has nothing to do with science. It is a profit-seeking business that depends, in large measure, on gullible Americans who accept polling reports as a form of public referendum on the Republican Party.
Worse yet, many Americans use polling results to push and pull governmental actions in their own favor at the expense of society.
Since the late 1930's, when George Gallup introduced America to the prediction power of scientific polls in his stunning forecast that Roosevelt would win the election in spite of the popular wisdom of the day, American elections have been driven by opinion polls.
Today, critics claim that polls create the outcomes of elections. The "science" of polling has developed to the stage where overnight nationwide polls claim to be able to predict outcomes with high confidence within four percentage points.
The Staff of the Daily Republican Newspaper has conducted exhaustive reviews of electoral polls and the statistical methods and discipline used by various polling organizations frequently reported by the Associated Press. We have determined that The Pew Organization's polls are exceptionally rigorous and reliable when used for the purpose of understanding and explaining the mood of the national electorate.
Here, for example is one reliable survey, titled Public's Good Mood and Optimism Undeterred by Latest Developments of December 14, 1998, the most recent poll by the Pew researchers on public attitudes toward the impeachment of William Jefferson Clinton held last Saturday.
The survey reported public support for the continuance of the Clinton presidency is unchanged by the deliberations and decisions of the House Judiciary Committee, but Americans appear unrattled by news of Mr. Clinton's likely impeachment by the Senate.
Majorities say that their opinions about whether Mr. Clinton should be removed from office were not swayed either by the hearings or by the Committee votes in favor of four articles of impeachment. By a wide margin, people continue to feel that based on what they know now, Clinton should not be impeached and removed from office (67%-29%).
However, the nationwide survey of 1,201 adults, conducted December 9-13 as the House Judiciary Committee cast historic votes for impeachment, found Americans in remarkably good spirits. Most of Pew's respondents said that 1998 has been a good year for them (72% ), a good year for their community (78%), a good year for their state (74%), and even a good year for the country (59%). Further, there is little indication that the prospect of impeachment is dampening public optimism: 59% of Americans think 1999 will be an even better year for them.
At 61%, public approval of Mr. Clinton's job performance is in line with this rosy view of things. However, opinion is not all positive for him. A 53% majority of Americans disapprove of the way he has handled the investigation. Moreover, there is little indication that Clinton's talk to the nation last Friday gained him much public sympathy. In fact, respondents interviewed after his statement were marginally more critical than those interviewed before it (55% vs. 50%).
Mr. Clinton is not alone in getting a bad public review. All of the key players in the investigation are judged poorly by the American people. By a margin of 59%-33%, the public disapproves of Republicans in Congress for their handling of the inquiry. Chairman Henry Hyde also gets a negative rating: 37% approve, 43% disapprove. Democrats were judged only somewhat better: 44% approve, 46% disapprove.
Looking forward, the GOP can expect even more public condemnation should they impeach Bill Clinton: 33% of Pew's respondents said they would have a worse opinion of Republicans in Congress, if they take this step, compared to 13% who said they would have a better opinion of them. Tellingly, only 27% of rank-and-file Republicans would have a better opinion of their party for impeaching Mr. Clinton, while 42% of Democrats and Independents would have a worse view of the GOP.
Also, looking ahead, the public thinks that similar scandals could best be avoided by making sure that a president's private life remains private, rather than by electing a president with high moral character. Here partisanship makes a big difference as Republicans put an emphasis on a president of high moral character by a 64%-31% margin, while Democrats (14%-83%) and Independents (34%-60%) opt for more personal privacy for the country's chief executive.
Despite extensive media coverage of the impeachment debate and votes in the House Judiciary Committee, the public showed no more interest in the story this past weekend than it did all year. Just 32% of the country reported following the story very closely during the final Committee debate. This is consistent with the interest in the story throughout 1998. In fact, 64% of the public believes the media is giving too much attention to the story.
The muted interest is consistent with the low priority Americans place on impeachment. Just 28% of the public believes impeaching and removing Mr. Clinton from office is very important to the nation. By contrast, three times as many Americans say that making Social Security financially sound is very important to the nation (87%).
Two-thirds of the public maintains that Congress is paying too much attention to the issue (65%), and they see politics motivating both Clinton's critics and his defenders. By a margin of 71%-18%, the public says Republicans are pursuing impeachment for political reasons rather than because what Clinton did was serious enough to end his presidency. Democrats are seen with only slightly less jaundiced eyes: By 61%-26%, Americans say Democrats too are motivated by politics rather than the belief that Clinton's actions are not that serious.
[Results for this Pew survey were based on telephone interviews conducted under the direction of Princeton Survey Research Associates among a nationwide sample of 1,201 adults, 18 years of age or older, during the period December 9-13, 1998. For results based on the total sample, one can say with 95% confidence that the error attributable to sampling and other random effects is plus or minus 3.5 percentage points. For results based on either Form 1 (N=599) or Form 2 (N=602), the sampling error is plus or minus 5 percentage points.]
Some interesting and reliable Pew Organization polls you may have missed:
- Election Pleases Voters Despite Mudslinging
November 13, 1998- Turnout Indicators Slightly Below '94 Level
October 21, 1998- Teens Losing Respect For Politicians
September 30, 1998- But Negative Reaction to Testimony
September 23, 1998- Pew's Poll Numbers:
August 13, 1998- The View of Congress
MORE RANCOROUS, BUT NOT "DO NOTHING"- Event-Driven News Audiences
Pew Research Center Biennial News Consumption Survey
June 8, 1998- Fans Say Yada Yada
May 10, 1998- Individualism Still Strong
For Your Files: April 20, 1998- Public Appetite For Government Misjudged
A Survey of Members of Congress, Clinton Appointees, and Senior Civil Servants
in Association with National Journal
April 17, 1998- Opinion Poll Experiment Reveals
How Americans View Government
March 10, 1998- Scandal Reporting Faulted for Bias and Inaccuracy
February 6, 1998- Young, Old Differ On Using Surplus To Fix Social Security
January 28, 1998- Education, Crime, Social Security Top National Priorities
January 23, 1998- Top 10 Stories of the Year
High Personal Contentment, Low News Interest
December 22, 1997- Opinion Leaders Say, Public Differs
America's Place In The World II
May 17, 1997- As American Women See It
These are the findings of a special Pew Research Center survey conducted in conjunction with "State of the Union," a PBS series.
May 9, 1997- Politics, Morality, Entitlements Sap Confidence
January 17, 1997- One-in-Ten Voters Online For Campaign '96
December 16, 1996- Fewer Happy with Clinton Victory than with GOP Congressional Win
November 15, 1996- Campaign Finance Charges Raise Doubts Among 7% of Clinton Backers
November 3, 1996- Increased Support For Incumbents
September 13, 1996- DEMOCRATS:
A Demographic and Attitudinal Profile
Tables Only
August 23, 1996- REPUBLICANS:
A Demographic and Attitudinal Profile
Analysis and Tables
Americans Going Online ... Explosive Growth, Uncertain Destinations
October 16, 1995- Strong Female Opposition To GOP Lifts Clinton Chances
October 6, 1995
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The Great American Clinton By W. Anthony, Contributor
elected representatives find themselves inundated
with requests
for them to perform in Clinton's image.
Americans recoil from all the publicity surrounding the latest of the president's scandals. In driving numbers, they pour opinion out to dampen a seething Washington as if in support for an unscrupulous act. We all have to ask ourselves how did this happen. I know with a smirk and a sly gleam we all understand how. We really need, though, to examine the cause, and this act goes much beyond boy meet girl.
We asked for this, we got it, and we deserve it. Let all of us think back to the very beginning when the first insidious act surfaced regarding Bill Clinton's misguided sexual conduct. He was not even president, yet. I might then remind that just a few years prior, America trounced Gary Heart over an alleged affair and copulation was never mentioned. How did this happen?
We were warned. A man that had evaded his countries call, demonstrated in the presence our enemies, and had shown himself less than a shining roll model for our progeny. When this man took office we whispered, "He's the president, my child, just don't use his character as your guiding light." There was a time when we proud parents wished for our offspring's to aspire to the pinnacle of achievement, the highest office of the land. Now, we explain to our rising hopeful, "Just don't be like him or cause a 'Clinton', I mean scandal." How did this happen?
Americans in resounding numbers look as if they are in support of an unscrupulous administration, to the world. I see it another way. We hope if we stop the fan fare and publicity, that it will go away quietly. In unprecedented numbers, the pouring forth of America continues. We need to stop and support our system. Our elected representatives find themselves inundated with requests for them to perform in Mr. Clinton's image. Yes, be like Slick Willie, close your eyes and ears, and forget the oath of your office. Pretend that he did not lie, that he did not break his trust with us, and that he is a faithful family man. Can we really depend on him to deal with the world international community in an honest way? How can he, when he cannot even deal with us in a straight forward manner. Is there somewhat of a snicker there yet? How did this happen?
While we are on the subject of 'Clintons'. I see where the first lady is enjoying her surge in popularity from White Water development and how she can invest $1,000.00 in a cattlemen's association and make $100,000.00 in a year. That, to me, has all the ear markings of a Republican plot. I feel the coolness of shade clouds personally. Just by chance, if Slick would have had more interest at home this may have never occurred. If this lady is such a leader, how is it that she could not lead her chosen mate a little better at home? I am not suggesting that all is her fault, but I am a pragmatic person in the belief that, "Where there's smoke there is fire." How did this happen?
We need to stop, here, now, and tell ourselves the truth; "We made a mistake." We need to stop trying to expand on this mistake by telling our elected representatives to forget this crime, that our president has committed, and allow it to pass into the night. It does not work that way; we are all big kids now and have to accept responsibility for our electing him. Wrong is wrong and a wrong may never be righted. We can here and now aspire to the highest office and support the fact that he, the president, has lied, has had shady clouds over his watch since before it started. How did this happen?
This American is not going to ask elected representatives to follow in Slick's shining example and for them to pursue this wrong doer to the ends if need be, the same as if it were one of us. If this man, Slick Willie, had an ounce of decency, he would resign but, then, if he did, he would not be Slick Willie.
Even Nixon had that much decency to come out and say, "I was wrong," then he passed quietly into the pages of history. So, let's help history and admit we made a mistake and to urge Slick Willie to do the right thing and become a representative of our wishes to go quietly in the night and let history judge him. We need to tell our elected representatives, "To uphold the constitution and the laws of this land," as we elected them to do. If they do not take heed in our wishes remember them next November when their name is on a ballot. How did this happen?
Please, America! Look for someone with an almost pristine back ground to lead this Great Nation into the twenty-first century. The possibility is there that the future will refer to us as the Late Great American Society when the 22nd comes around. It is our choice; we have aspired to the highest office of the land, as our parents wanted. Here and now are how we never again ask, "How did this happen?"
We do it? Like we've always done it - by preserving honesty as a fundamental value in American government. But, Mr. Clinton did not intend to tell the truth in sworn testimony before the federal grand jury. Worse yet he pressured government employees to lie under oath.
Under that situation, Mr. Clinton turned our system on its head. He chose to mock the presidency and obstruct the orderly processes of justice. He went so far as tease the American justice system as he placed one hand on the Holy Bible, raised the other, and swore before God and country "I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. So help me God!" He then preceded to publicly destroy the honor and prestige of the highest office in the land. This is how it happened.
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By Michael Quinn, Contributor
WASHINGTON - The president was impeached today. I have been calling for his impeachment for at least two years now but I must say there is not the slightest feeling of joy over this development.
This is a sad day for America but one filled with promise for the future. We are diminished by the failure of president Clinton to fulfill the rule of law in his conduct. We are encouraged by the Republican members of the House facing down their own personal demons. It has come to this. The Republican majority of the House impeached William Jefferson Clinton and presented him with a new monogram he will be required to wear for all recorded history.
Mr. Clinton, the man, has earned the only legacy he properly deserves. In that sense this is a bright day when we see justice prevail over cunning and duplicity.
This is a sad day for America, however, in that Mr. Clinton lacks the common decency to resign in his disgrace. He could learn a lot from Mr. Gingrich and Mr. Livingston, both of whom resigned for the good of their party and their country.
Washington liberals whine that Mr. Clinton was unfairly treated. To say his behavior is an outrage of the pubic decency is to beg the question. Liberals have been telling the nation for months they are distressed and disgusted with Mr. Clinton's behavior and how they wanted him punished when speaking to network microphones and tv cameras. "Fair is fair" as they often say.
If ever there was a time to see what Liberalism is all about it was watching Mr. Clinton's little people this week. It was people like Alec Baldwin, the sometime actor, who really brought it home for America. Baldwin was babbling on camera, when I watched him make a tongue in cheek statement about how he wished he lived in a country where he could stone Henry Hyde to death [together with Hyde's wife and children] for bringing charges of high crimes and misdemeanors against Clinton.
Modern Liberalism, like sausage, its not pretty in the making. In the first place it teaches the American people what Liberalism is not. It is not the rule of law. And it also teaches the painful lesson of what it ultimately is. At great cost to the nation, we learn by example, that Liberalism is just a raunchy old has-been in an empty suit, standing at an intersection, holding a hand-lettered cardboard sign "Will work for food!" and a grin on his face.
Which reminds me of the first rule of American capitalism, He who has the gold, makes the rules.
[Michael Quinn, is a resident of Lake Havasu City, AZ]
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By Amy Williams, Staff Writer
WASHINGTON - Impeachment has become not only a debate about removing William Jefferson Clinton from office, but also a debate about morality and contrition. The U.S. House of Representatives, after a sudden U.S. attack on Iraq oddly interrupted the proceedings, set impeachment back on track today.
Now, it has become not only a debate about removing Bill Clinton from office, but also a referendum on Mr. Clinton's free wheeling public morality which would permit him to degrade the foundations of the American judicial system.
But by the end of today, he will certainly have achieved another distinction, that of being the Third president of the united States to be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors.It is a fitting end for a scoff law who ran for the highest office in the land hyping that he was a "new kind of democrat" who promised to preside over an administration bound by what he depicted as "...the highest ethical standards." However, within a few weeks after his election to that office, he was well engaged in despicable sexual harassments of a White House student intern and ardently pursuing perjury, obstruction of justice, and abuse of the power of his office.
Making matters worse, Mr. Clinton's has persisted in refusing to admit he lied in his grand jury testimony, insisting that he was, in essence, confused about what sexual relations is. Apparently, however, Mr. Clinton has no trouble distinguishing 'truth' and 'falsehood', but he wont admit that either.
Adding insult to injury, late Thursday incoming House Speaker Robert Livingston(R) publicly admitted stress in his 33-year marriage after democrat supporters released gossip to Roll Call Magazine.
It seems unlikely that Mr. Clinton will be removed from office by the Senate. Impeachment by the House today is the first step in that process, however. To be successful in the Senate 67 votes are still needed for conviction in the 100 member Senate, of which Republicans hold a 55-seat majority.
The situation in the senate could change rapidly, of course. And, today, in the hallways of the House, there is a continuing discussion of what Mr. Clinton's actions are telling America about erasing and blurring the difference between right and wrong.
White House aides have equivocated over Mr. Clinton's egregious conduct while at the same time peddling faulty logic that he should not be impeached for it nor removed from office for the perjury, obstruction of justice, and abuse of power.
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By William Heartstone, Staff Writer
WASHINGTON - In the hours before the U.S. military strike began Wednesday against general Iraqi targets, as many as 133 international relief workers were abandoned inside the UN Baghdad headquarters. The sudden attack caused concern among some US officials, who feared for the fate of their UN colleagues who were unable to get out of Baghdad.
President Bill Clinton ordered the attack on the eve of the House Republican majority's impeachment move against him. However, Mr. Clinton's hopes for avoiding impeachment weakened on Wednesday, even as House Republicans agreed to briefly delay impeachment proceedings because of the air strike on Iraq.
Following a closed-door session, Republican congressmen said they expected a delay of a few days at most in the historic debate that had been set to begin Thursday.
"We're not going to put off this impeachment matter indefinitely," said Rep. Steve Chabo(R), one of several lawmakers who stopped to talk with reporters.
Meanwhile, the tally of Republicans advocating impeachment has continued to mount. Some Republicans were furious as word reached them today that Mr. Clinton had suddenly reversed policy and ordered military action on the eve of the impeachment vote.
"Never underestimate a desperate president," said Rep. Gerald Solomon(R) "This time he means business. What option is left for getting impeachment off the front page and maybe even postponed?"
There are 24,100 American troops in the gulf region; 22 warships, 8 of them armed with Tomahawk cruise missiles, and 201 military aircraft, according to the Defense Department. The carrier Carl Vinson is expected to join the Enterprise in the gulf on Saturday, along with six other Navy ships fitted for launching and guidance control of cruise missiles.
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By Larry P. Arnn, Contributor
CLAREMONT, CA - New York Congressman Jerrold Nadler, a Democratic member of the House Judiciary Committee, argued repeatedly last week as follows: Benjamin Franklin described impeachment as "an alternative to assassination." Therefore impeachment is far too harsh a punishment for President Clinton.
Mr. Nadler's radical comments were inappropriate. He was contending that unless a president engages in behavior that would lead reasonable men to believe that assassination is in order, impeachment is out of order.
Apparently, even the president and his brain trust thought this argument compelling, because one of their main spokesmen, Paul Begala, was echoing it Monday in numerous TV interviews from the White House.
In fact, the argument borders on lunacy, and suggests that President Clinton's vaunted spin operation has come unglued.
Let us look at the relevant passage from the Records of the Constitutional Convention: "Doctor Franklin was for retaining the [impeachment] clause as favorable to the executive. History furnishes one example only of a first Magistrate being formally brought to justice. Everybody cried out against this as unconstitutional.
What was the practice before this in cases where the chief magistrate rendered himself obnoxious? Why recourse was had to assassination, in which he was not only deprived of his life but of the opportunity of vindicating his character.
It would be the best way therefore to provide in the Constitution for the regular punishment of the executive when his misconduct should deserve it, and for his honorable acquittal when he should be unjustly accused."
Taken in context, Franklin's defense of the impeachment clause is a defense of the idea that in America, the chief magistrate is a citizen, with the same standing before the law, and the same rights and privileges under the law, as all other citizens.
Impeachment is a democratic mechanism to ensure that the president does not get too big for his constitutional britches. It is also a mechanism that allows him a constitutional means of vindication.
In turning Franklin's argument on it head, Messrs. Nadler and Begala not only raise the bar of impeachment in a way to elevate presidents above the law. They also weirdly enter the idea of assassination into our democratic discourse, where, as Franklin clearly suggested in defending constitutional impeachment, it has no place.[Editor's Note: Larry P. Arnn is president, The Claremont Institute. It published an excellent Open Letter to Congress on Impeachment and the Constitution, portions of which were quoted by California Congressman James Rogan during the Judiciary Committee hearings last Friday.]
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By Howard Hobbs, Editors' Desk
WASHINGTON - On Tuesday Republicans on the Judiciary Committee released talking points useful in explaining the justification and need to pass four articles of impeachment by the full House later in the week.
A draft copy of the material being distributed to all 21 Republican members of the Judiciary Committee was obtained by the Daily Republican Newspaper late last night.
A close reading of the Republican talking points finds the essence of this material makes a simple and powerful case for the Judiciary Committee vote in favor of the four articles of impeachment. That case is a 60,000 page evidentiary record.
In it the Judiciary Committee presented every excruciating detail in William Jefferson Clinton's multiple acts of perjury and obstruction of justice. The findings of the Committee included thousands of pages of admissible evidence presented to the Grand Jury, such as sworn testimony, affidavits, and grand jury transcripts.
It is a compelling truth of this nation: The richest and most powerful people in our society are held to the same legal standards as the weakest citizen. President Clinton, though begging to be excused from the rule of law, must stand before the same bar of justice as everyone else. So the question to be addressed by an impeachment trial is only whether or not a president who commits perjury and obstruction of justice, and abuses his power can still be trusted with his finger on the nuclear trigger, or not.
The American people are strong, and so is the Constitution. It is only William Jefferson Clinton's ego that insists his personal political ambition and the future of the nation are one in the same.
The future of the ideal of American civilization, and very likely the continued survival of this nation depend upon the course of human events and the strength of character exhibited by our leaders on the Judiciary Committee in the next few hours.
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By Michael Quinn, Contributor
LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ - The liberal mass media would have us believe that the polls show that Americans don't want clinton impeached. The Zogby poll was revealing, however. It showed if the presidential election were held today 28% would vote for Oprah Winfry for president. Most poll results today are the product of a new kind of infotainment for the masses.
In a new poll announced today, it was reported that up to 75% of people who are approached by pollsters actually refuse to participate. Another poll showed the majority of those polled could not define the word "impeachment." Every poll I participate in on the Internet which is not stage managed by the liberal media indicates that the large majority know that Mr. Clinton is finished.
Now there are stories just surfacing that Mr. Clinton is considering another attack on Iraq. It would have to be conducted before Friday because of religious holidays, of course no coincidence that is the day after the full House begins impeachment proceedings.
This is not a matter of Conservative vs. Liberal as the desperate Clinton apologists would like the un-informed to believe, this is a fundamental struggle between the forces of good and evil for the survival of our American republic.
Removing Clinton is not taken lightly. It is not a whacky right wing conspiracy. It is nothing more nor less than the desperate gasps of a failed man and a gang of has been desperados holding on to the trappings of power in the face of an angry American electorate.
It has been extremely clear that Mr. Clinton's conduct is subject to a full scale impeachment trial in the Senate. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor told reporters Sunday that an impeachment trial in the Senate would begin at 1pm each day allowing for the other demands of government to take place earlier in the day. At this pony in time. little else could be more important to the history of America than the rule of law, and the removal of a corrupt individual from the highest office in the land even if everything else did have to be postponed.
The Founding Fathers in their wisdom knew this country could survive this ordeal, and for that matter knew that this mechanism was exactly what was called for when the holder of the office was shown to be unfit as this man has been clearly shown beyond any doubt whatsoever. Even his own words, though twisted and convoluted, indict him.
President clinton took an oath to "... support, uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America."
Words mean things. Oaths carry solemn consequences when not performed. Now its time for William Jefferson Clinton to come to the front of the line and pay the price of admission to enter the dustbin of history. This time he gets no free pass.
[Michael Quinn, is a resident of Lake Havasu City, AZ]
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By Arthur G. Shadforth, Contributor
MERRITT ISLAND, Fl. - The liberal news media is slanted both in reporting and editorial style to support the Democrat Party's dissembling on Clinton's preoccupation with sexual assaults, harassments, and demands for personal gratifications from government employees.
However, since the Democrats controlled the House of Representatives for 40 years they built up IOU's so what do you expect.
Republicans should stand up at every opportunity and tell it the way it is by an aggressive letter writing campaign to every major newspaper and magazine in the United States.
Remember that the Democrats have already conceded, by pushing for censure, that President Clinton lied, assaulted the Constitution, abused the power of his office, upset the system of checks and balances and by sodomy and personal perversion the President of the United States disgraced his public office and abandoned the American people.
[Arthur G. Shadforth is a resident of Merritt Island Fl.]
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Monday December 14, 1998
By Tony Artero, Pacific News Bureau
AGANA, Guam - Republican National Committee Chairman Jim Nicholson today, in Washington D.C., made an unconditional endorsement of former two term governor, Joseph Ada[R] for the current Guam Governorship.
The Territory of Guam has experienced widespread dissatisfaction with the administration of incumbent governor Carl Gutierrez. Alleged voting irregularities, and political payoffs by Gutierrez to the Clinton administration have worked against the November re-election, which has been overturned by a local federal court. A runoff match will be held on December 19th.
Early returns from last month's election revealed that incumbent Governor Carl Gutierrez(D) very narrowly defeated challenger and former governor Joe Ada(R). While, the early returns showed Gutierrez won with a bare 49.8% of the vote, there were questions. Guam law requires an absolute majority of all ballots cast for one of the candidates to be designated the winner.
The problem with the early returns from the Guam Election Board was that the Guam Election Board appeared to be deliberately favoring the Democrat Party incumbent by decertifying 1,500 or more ballots.
That action reduced the total number of ballots cast, and thereby gave Gutierrez an 'apparent' victory by showing the legally-required 50% in his favor.
The US District Court on Guam, saw through the scheme, however. Judge John Unpingco invalidated the Election Board's tactic and ordered a runoff election between Ada and Gutierrez.
The sole accomplishment of the Gutierrez' past eight years in office, has been to make Guam the laughing stock of the Western World by the paying $600,000 as a gift from Guam to the Clinton-Gore Campaign re-election campaign.
Joseph Ada, was favored by Guamanians as he moved his campaign to unseat Gutierrez, said to be "out of touch with the people" of Guam. Ada is coming from a firmly conservative eight year administration with a clean record of reducing crime by adding more police, a building program for school renewal, and reducing taxes to encourage home ownership.
Ada is a spokesman for the people of Guam in the attempt to obtain return of much of Guam's arable land. The Unites States holds title to 44,800 acres in Guam. That's 23% of the island's total land space.
The US holdings are excessive and unnecessary. A 1994 law providing for the transfer of the ownership of 3,213 acres to Guam has not been fully implemented under Gutierrez' administration. Changes in military requirements have made other land and facilities available but no action has been taken to facilitate the transfer by Mr. Gutierrez.
Joseph Ada has taken controversial stands on such unpopular programs, in the past, as his support for a federal government wildlife refuge on the limited land area of Guam. Ada became the object of some ridicule, for such programs and has been called the "spokesman for the the brown tree snake" more than he has for the people of Guam.
In the past few years, however, Joseph Ada has somewhat redeemed himself with voters, by attempting to obtain by transfer of 44 acres of U.S. Navy property worth $4.5 million to the people of Guam. That effort may expedite the transfer of the former Naval Air Station adjacent to the commercial airport, including a 92 acre officers' family housing parcel.
Guam is the most developed island in all of Micronesia. Thousands of citizens of the three Micronesian nations "freely associated" with the United States have taken advantage of a provision of the association compacts that enables them to live in Guam.
The Territory of Guam is the U.S. community most negatively impacted by this form of immigration. The initial compact approval law authorizes reimbursement of the costs to social programs. $4.6 million is being provided annually by the Interior Department to Guam to offset those costs, yet the actual costs of such social programs is more than $10 million, annually.
The literacy rate is very high in Guam, in excess of 96%. It is geographically southernmost of the Mariana Islands. Native Guamanian Chamorro [Tjamoro] total about 62,500 on-island. The English speaking population here is about 130,000 of the population of 145,000. The principal employer in the region is the US military.
[Editor's note: Tony Artero is the Chief of the Pacific News Bureau for the Territory of Guam.]
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By Christine Weaver, Contributor
GAINSVILLE. Fla. - Americans are finally recognizing a common failure of the Fourth Estate. It is the nation's newspaper and TV media preference for a liberal skew, slant, and spin to that which they publish as "breaking news".
It is just and fair that in this news void, The Daily Republican Newspaper editors take aim, point the printing press, and let go with a salvo of unfiltered truth. The truth often hurts. But we know it when we feel it.
That truth is what we hunger for. It hits square on the mark. It tells it like it really is, without a sugar coating.
That's the function of the First Amendment and of a free press. It is the ultimate protection of our citizens to publish an independent free press that courageously tells us things like such a person as William Jefferson Clinton is a rogue and a scoundrel who cannot be trusted to tell the truth. In that there is now significant and credible evidence.
Now, that we know the unvarnished truth, and the House Judiciary Committee has voted four impeachment counts, the rest is up to us.
[The author lives in Gainsville and is Republican Executive Committee member, precinct 41, Alachua County, Fla.]
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By Howard Hobbs, Editors' Desk
WASHINGTON [21:30 EST] - The House Judiciary Committee approved three impeachment charges Friday afternoon against William Jefferson Clinton, the third president in American history so dishonored.
The requirements of due process have been met today, as the House Judiciary panel approved three articles of impeachment against Mr. Clinton on grounds of perjury before recessing for the evening. Debate was to continue at 9 a.m. EST Saturday on the fourth article of impeachment.
Earlier, a somber Bill Clinton appeared at a podium in the Rose Garden and voiced a half-hearted plea for the lesser punishment. As he appeared distracted and unfocused, he told reporters in a very brief statement"I am profoundly sorry for all I have down wrong in words and deeds." Reporters questions were ignored as Mr. Clinton abruptly walked back into the White House.
As if, in response to Mr. Clinton's announcement to the press, the Judiciary panel approved the first article of impeachment accusing Clinton of providing false testimony to Kenneth Starr's grand jury.
Moments later, the clerk announced the tally on only the third presidential impeachment vote in American history. The vote was 21-16. Henry Hyde(R) chair of the panel made his own announcement, "We seek impeachment, not conviction, not censure. We merely decided there is enough evidence for trial."
Then, the second impeachment article, alleging that Mr. Clinton lied in a civil deposition in the Paula Jones case, was approved on a vote of 20-17.
A third article followed in rapid succession. It alleged obstruction of justice and accused Clinton of encouraging a federal witness to lie under oath, and of coaching another government employee to lie about her own testimony and other actions. That vote was 21-16.
A fourth article of impeachment was held over for vote when business resumes on Saturday. It charges abuse of power by Clinton, and the misuse of executive privilege claims to delay a federal investigation into Clinton's conduct as President of the United States.
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By Tony Artero, Pacific News Bureau
AGANA, Guam - A federal judge has ordered a rematch in the race for governor of Guam, a decision the Chairman of the Republican National Committee today called "a victory for democracy that opens the door for a rematch that Republicans nationwide will be watching very closely."
Republican Joseph Ada was narrowly defeated by incumbent Guam governor Carl Gutierrez in the general election balloting November 3, but Gutierrez, who got only 49.8% of the vote, fell short of avoiding a runoff under Guam law, Nicholson explained.
On Guam, the U.S. Code § 1422 specifies term of office, qualifications, powers and duties of the office of Governor and Lieutenant Governor, and the filing of an annual economic report to Congress.
The Guam Election Board, following the recent election, however, de-certified some 1,500 ballots, reducing the total count of voters reducing the actual percentage of voters. That action had a negative effect on the legally required 50% for Gutierrez to be declared the winner.
Following allegations of additional irregularities including widespread voter fraud, U.S. District Judge John Unpingco yesterday ordered a runoff election between Ada and Gutierrez, which he scheduled for December 19th.
The courts of Guam are governed under U.S. Code, sec. 48, Chap. 8a, sec. 1424-2. The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has jurisdiction to review all final decisions of the U.S. District court of Guam. Appeals are heard in San Francisco by the three judge panel of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.
A spokesperson for Gov. Gutierrez(D) announced today, that an appeal to the 9th Circuit has been filed.
It looks like Guam has just started a new chapter of the "Unending runoff" but the script remains the same.
Since February 1997, Mr. Gutierrez has continued to "shift policy on the status of Guam. It was during that month in 1997 that Gutierrez was implicated in a $600,000 political contribution to the Clinton-Gore Re-election campaign by Guam's Democrat Party.
Not coincidentally, it has been alleged here that Gutierrez' involvement is the reason for the significant and controversial change in the Clinton administration's policy toward the island of Guam.
Mr. Gutierrez told reporters recently, "Regardless of what some might think, as long as these funds were legally solicited and accounted for, the Guam Democratic Party is guilty of nothing more that practicing one of the oldest and most effective arts in the game of politics ..."
Guam's drive for Commonwealth status has been part of the background of Gutierrrez' headlong pursuit of the Clinton White House in search for reciprocal support for perpetuation of the Gutierrez political machine on Guam.
Many citizens of Guam, question the use of political contributions by the Democrat Party of Guam to influence Clinton policy. It is seen here as a basic conflict of interest for president Clinton to get involved in this way.
After all, the United States, as the administering Power of the Territory of Guam, has the responsibility to ensure that the people of the Territory are kept fully informed of their inalienable right to self-determination and independence.
[Editor's note: Tony Artero is the Chief of the Pacific News Bureau for the Territory of Guam.]
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By Howard Hobbs, Editor's Desk
WASHINGTON - The House Judiciary released the first draft of the following text today as a working model of the resolution to impeach William Jefferson Clinton for high crimes.
Impeachment Resolution
Resolved that William Jefferson Clinton, President of the United States, is impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors, and that the following articles of impeachment be exhibited to the United States Senate:
Articles of impeachment exhibited by the House of Representatives of the United States of America in the name of itself and of the people of the United States of America, against William Jefferson Clinton, President of the United States of America, in maintenance and support of its impeachment against him for high crimes and misdemeanors.
In his conduct while President of the United States, William Jefferson Clinton, in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in violation of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has willfully corrupted and manipulated the judicial process of the United States for his personal gain and exoneration, impeding the administration of justice, in that:
On Aug. 17, 1998, William Jefferson Clinton swore to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth before a Federal grand jury of the United States. Contrary to that oath, William Jefferson Clinton willfully provided perjurious, false and misleading testimony to the grand jury concerning: (1) the nature and details of his relationship with a subordinate Government employee; (2) prior perjurious, false and misleading testimony he gave in a Federal civil rights action brought against him; (3) prior false and misleading statements he allowed his attorney to make to a Federal judge in that civil rights action; and (4) his corrupt efforts to influence the testimony of witnesses and to impede the discovery of evidence in that civil rights action.
In doing this, William Jefferson Clinton has undermined the integrity of his office, has brought disrepute on the Presidency, has betrayed his trust as President, and has acted in a manner subversive of the rule of law and justice, to the manifest injury of the people of the United States.
Wherefore, William Jefferson Clinton, by such conduct, warrants impeachment and trial and removal from office and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States.
In his conduct while President of the United States, William Jefferson Clinton, in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in violation of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has willfully corrupted and manipulated the judicial process of the United States for his personal gain and exoneration, impeding the administration of justice, in that:
(1) On Dec. 23, 1997, William Jefferson Clinton, in sworn answers to written questions asked as part of a Federal civil rights action brought against him, willfully provided perjurious, false and misleading testimony in response to questions deemed relevant by a Federal judge concerning conduct and proposed conduct with subordinate employees.
(2) On Jan. 17, 1998, William Jefferson Clinton swore under oath to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth in a deposition given as part of a Federal civil rights action brought against him. Contrary to that oath, William Jefferson Clinton willfully provided perjurious, false and misleading testimony in response to questions deemed relevant by a Federal judge concerning the nature and details of his relationship with a subordinate government employee and his corrupt efforts to influence the testimony of that employee.
In all of this, William Jefferson Clinton has undermined the integrity of his office, has brought disrepute on the Presidency, has betrayed his trust as President, and has acted in a manner subversive of the rule of law and justice, to the manifest injury of the people of the United States.
Wherefore, William Jefferson Clinton, by such conduct, warrants impeachment and trial, and removal from office and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States.
In his conduct while President of the United States, William Jefferson Clinton, in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in violation of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has prevented, obstructed and impeded the administration of justice, and has to that end engaged personally and through his subordinates and agents, in a course of conduct or scheme designed to delay, impede, cover up and conceal the existence of evidence and testimony related to a Federal civil rights action brought against him in a duly instituted judicial proceeding.
The means used to implement this course of conduct or scheme included one or more of the following acts:
(1) On or about Dec. 17, 1997, William Jefferson Clinton corruptly encouraged a witness in a Federal civil rights action brought against him to execute a sworn affidavit in that proceeding that he knew to be perjurious, false and misleading.
(2) On or about Dec. 17, 1997, William Jefferson Clinton corruptly encouraged a witness in a Federal civil rights action brought against him to give perjurious, false and misleading testimony if and when called to testify personally in that proceeding.
(3) On or about Dec. 28, 1997, William Jefferson Clinton corruptly engaged in, encouraged or supported a scheme to conceal evidence that had been subpoenaed in a Federal civil rights action brought against him.
(4) Beginning on or about Dec. 7, 1997, and continuing through and including Jan. 14, 1998, William Jefferson Clinton intensified and succeeded in an effort to secure job assistance to a witness in a Federal civil rights action brought against him in order to corruptly prevent the truthful testimony of that witness in that proceeding at a time when the truthful testimony of that witness would have been harmful to him.
(5) On Jan. 17, 1998, at his deposition in a Federal civil rights action brought against him, William Jefferson Clinton corruptly allowed his attorney to make false and misleading statements to a Federal judge characterizing an affidavit, in order to prevent questioning deemed relevant by the judge. Such false and misleading statements were subsequently acknowledged by his attorney in a communication to that judge.
(6) On or about Jan. 18 and Jan. 20-21, 1998, William Jefferson Clinton related a false and misleading account of events relevant to a Federal civil rights action brought against him to a potential witness in that proceeding, in order to corruptly influence the testimony of that witness.
(7) On or about Jan. 21, 23 and 26, 1998, William Jefferson Clinton made false and misleading statements to potential witnesses in a Federal grand jury proceeding in order to corruptly influence the testimony of those witnesses. The false and misleading statements made by William Jefferson Clinton were repeated by the witnesses to the grand jury, causing the grand jury to receive false and misleading information.
In all of this, William Jefferson Clinton has undermined the integrity of his office, has brought disrepute on the Presidency, has betrayed his trust as President, and has acted in a manner subversive of the rule of law and justice, to the manifest injury of the people of the United States.
Wherefore, William Jefferson Clinton, by such conduct, warrants impeachment and trial, and removal from office and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States.
Using the powers and influence of the office of President of the United States, William Jefferson Clinton, in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in disregard of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has repeatedly engaged in conduct that resulted in misuse and abuse of his high office, impaired the due and proper administration of justice and the conduct of lawful inquiries, and contravened the laws governing the integrity of the judicial and legislative branches and the truth-seeking purpose of coordinate investigative proceedings.
This misuse and abuse of office has included one or more of the following:
(1) As President, using the attributes of office, William Jefferson Clinton willfully made false and misleading public statements for the purpose of deceiving the people of the United States in order to continue concealing his misconduct and to escape accountability for such misconduct.
(2) As President, using the attributes of office, William Jefferson Clinton willfully made false and misleading statements to members of his Cabinet, and White House aides, so that these Federal employees would repeat such false and misleading statements publicly, thereby utilizing public resources for the purpose of deceiving the people of the United States, in order to continue concealing his misconduct and to escape accountability for such misconduct. The false and misleading statements made by William Jefferson Clinton to members of his Cabinet and White House aides were repeated by those members and aides, causing the people of the United States to receive false and misleading information from high Government officials.
(3) As President, using the office of White House counsel, William Jefferson Clinton frivolously and corruptly asserted executive privilege, which is intended to protect from disclosure communications regarding the constitutional functions of the executive, and which may be exercised only by the President, with respect to communications other than those regarding the constitutional functions of the executive, for the purpose of delaying and obstructing a Federal criminal investigation and the proceedings of a Federal grand jury.
(4) As President, William Jefferson Clinton refused and failed to respond to certain written requests for admission and willfully made perjurious, false and misleading sworn statements in response to certain written requests for admission propounded to him as part of the impeachment inquiry authorized by the House of Representatives of the Congress of the United States. William Jefferson Clinton, in refusing and failing to respond and in making perjurious, false and misleading statements, assumed to himself functions and judgments necessary to the exercise of the sole power of impeachment vested by the Constitution in the House of Representatives and exhibited contempt for the inquiry.
In all of this, William Jefferson Clinton has undermined the integrity of his office, has brought disrepute on the Presidency, has betrayed his trust as President, and has acted in a manner subversive of the rule of law and justice, to the manifest injury of the people of the United States.
Wherefore, William Jefferson Clinton, by such conduct, warrants impeachment and trial and removal from office and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States.
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USA sued by Steel Workers By William Heartstone, Staff Writer
President Clinton abused executive powers by
entering into treaty without Senate approval.
WASHINGTON DESK - President William Jefferson Clinton circumvented the U.S. Constitution when he entered into the North American Free Trade Agreement treaty which was not adopted with the concurrence of two thirds of the members of the United States Senate, as required by the U.S. Constitution.
NAFTA was negotiated by Mr. Clinton, initialed by him on December 17, 1992, and submitted to Congress on November 4, 1993 for approval.
A majority of the members of the House of Representatives voted to approve NAFTA on November 17, 1993.
Three days later, on November 20, 1993, less than two-thirds of U.S. Senate members present voted to approve Mr. Clinton's NAFTA initiative.
NAFTA is a long-term agreement between the United States, Canada and Mexico which is designed to form the three nations into a free-trade area and in large measure to integrate their economies.
To that end, NAFTA provides for the staged elimination of tariffs on most goods traded among the three member nations.
In addition to agreeing to eliminate tariffs on goods, in NAFTA the United States makes far-reaching commitments to Canada and Mexico on virtually every other subject affecting the economic relationships among the three nations, including but not limited to commitments with respect to investment, financial services, transportation, telecommunications, intellectual property, energy, and cross-border trade in services.
NAFTA requires the United States to open federal government procurement to suppliers from the other NAFTA member countries.
Under Chapter 19 of NAFTA, in proceedings brought to enforce United States laws against dumping and unfair subsidies, the power of final decision making is surrendered to binational panels, and judicial review by United States courts is not permitted.
Under Chapter 20 of NAFTA, whenever Canada or Mexico believes that a measure taken or proposed by the United States "is or would be inconsistent with the obligations of [the] Agreement or cause nullification or impairment" of "any benefit [Canada or Mexico] could reasonably have expected to accrue to it" under provisions of the Agreement, the dispute may be presented to a multilateral arbitral panel, and, if the United States does not implement the panel's decision, it is subject to economic sanctions.
The procedure described in paragraph 15 above can be used, inter alia, to nullify or impede the enforcement of laws and regulations promulgated by the United States or by state and local governments to protect health, safety, the environment and consumers, if the arbitral panel characterizes such a law or regulation as a barrier to trade.
Again, in view of NAFTA's provisions, it is a treaty within the meaning of Article II, Clause 2 of the Constitution of the United States.
In approving NAFTA, the Mexican legislature followed the procedure that applies under Mexican law to the making of treaties; and the Government of Mexico refers to NAFTA as a treaty, specifically, "Tratado de Libre Comercio de America del Norte."
As a direct result of the adoption and implementation of NAFTA, more than 2,000 United States establishments have moved their operations to Mexico.
Many prominent American corporations have moved entire factories to Mexico, making it more and more difficult for members of Made in the USA Foundation to buy American-made products. For example, RCA Corporation, the last American television manufacturing company, moved its factory to Mexico from Indiana in March, 1998. Other American establishments that moved to Mexico since NAFTA was implemented include those that produced Eveready Batteries, Oshkosh overalls and children's clothing and Champion athletic clothing.
NAFTA also has had a devastating impact on American agriculture. After NAFTA went into effect, more than 1,000 United States farms employing approximately 100,000 workers closed due to a rising tide of imports of Mexican produce, resulting directly from the adoption and implementation of NAFTA. This development has been particularly devastating in Florida, where 120 of the State's 200 tomato farmers have gone out of business as a direct result of the adoption and implementation of NAFTA.
Mexican tomato growers are allowed to use many pesticides, including DDT, which are banned in the United States. In addition, Mexican growers employ children in tomato fields to harvest and pack tomatoes. NAFTA requires the United States to allow the importation of Mexican tomatoes despite these practices.
As a direct result of the adoption and implementation of NAFTA, imports into the United States from Mexico have increased by more than 80 percent, vastly exceeding any increase in exports from the United States to Mexico, with the result that the United States, which had a $1.7 billion trade surplus with Mexico in 1993, had a $14.5 billion trade deficit with that country as of 1997.
In addition, some American establishments have moved operations to Canada as a result of NAFTA, and NAFTA has resulted in an increase in the United States's trade deficit with Canada.
NAFTA has caused the loss of more than 400,000 American jobs due to NAFTA. More than seven thousand workers labor union workers at more than thirty locations have been certified by the Clinton administration's Department of Labor as having lost their jobs due to NAFTA operations, and the relocation of American operations to Mexico and Canada and from increases in imports from Mexico and Canada.
One of the locations at which employees have been so certified is the Gadsden, Alabama facility of Goodyear. At that location, tire manufacturing has been moved by Goodyear to Canada as a result of NAFTA incursions.
Jobs have been lost at other Goodyear facilities as a result of a movement of operations to, or increased reliance on imports from, Canada and Mexico caused by NAFTA. This has occurred at the Goodyear facilities in Green, Ohio, Topeka, Kansas and Lincoln, Nebraska.
As a direct result of the adoption and implementation of NAFTA, numerous employers have threatened to move operations to Mexico unless U.S. workers accept lower pay and benefits than they otherwise would receive. They are now faced with loss of jobs or with the threat of losing their jobs due to the Clinton administration acts which are clearly outside the scope of presidential authority under the U.S. Constitution.
A Federal law suit filed in June is now pending in this matter. The United Steel Workers of America litigation is proceeding into court early in 1999 where the AFL/CIO will seek to obtain an Order declaring that NAFTA, having failed to be approved by two-thirds of the Senators then present, is null, void and of no effect, and directing Mr. Clinton to provide notice within 30 days to the governments of Mexico and Canada that the United States is invoking its power to terminate NAFTA.
[Editor's note: Bredhoff & Kaiser of Washington, D.C. is the attorney firm representing the United Steel Workers of America.]
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Social Security at the crossroads By Howard Hobbs, and William Heartstone
Not enough time and money to keep the Clinton
administration's promise to the baby-boom generation.
WASHINGTON - Civil rights, labor and women's advocates joined forces Thursday to denounce proposals to divert some Social Security taxes to private investment accounts. The New Century Alliance for Social Security offered no proposals to bridge the Social Security shortfall projected about 2030, but its members said subjecting steady payments to the whims of Wall Street was bad policy.
Many Republicans and some Democrats say workers could gain more by putting retirement savings into the stock market than Social Security gains by investing in government bonds. But coalition members were uneasy about market downturns and details such as who would oversee accounts and what safeguards would be erected against fraud.
Social Security is a basic element of modern governments. But, as far back as ancient times, there was government recognition of the need for some form of social relief to those who had a reversal of a force in Nature they called Fate.
In ancient Greece, for instance, since about 560 b.c., disabled Greek soldiers and their surviving families were rewarded for their heroism with a state pension. The unemployed were clothed, and provided food and financial relief. Poor sick persons were given medical care and even funeral, expenses were provided for through Roman Empire Health and Burial Funds.
In February 1934, in anticipation of a bill introduced in Congress which would provide for a Federal excise tax on employer payrolls, to be offset by employer contributions to State unemployment insurance funds, president Franlin D Roosevelt(D) promised Americans, ". . . I am looking for a sound means which I can recommend to provide at once security against several of the great disturbing factors in life--especially those which relate to unemployment and old age."
By June 8, 1934 Federal legislation to promote economic security was recommended in the message of Mr. Roosevelt to Congress in which he promised, "Among our objectives I place the security of men, women and children of the nation first ...Three principles should be observed in legislation ... the system adopted, except for the money necessary to initiate it, should be self-sustaining in the sense that funds for the payment of insurance benefits should not come from the proceeds of general taxation ... excepting in old-age insurance, actual management should be left to the States subject to standards established by the Federal Government ... sound financial management of the funds and the reserves, and protection of the credit structure of the Nation should be assured by retaining Federal control over all funds through trustees in the Treasury of the United States."
Within six weeks, Mr. Roosevelt created a Committee on Economic Security to study the problems relating to economic security for a program of legislation under Executive Order No. 6757. Then on April 19, 1935 The Social Security Bill (H.R. 7260) was passed by the House of Representatives, 372 to 33 (25 not voting). Voting against the bill were 13 Democrats, 18 Republicans and 2 Farm Labor.
On May 29, 1998 the Clinton administration released its second Annual Report on the Social Security Program. According to the Report, 6.2 million individuals were receiving Social security in January 1998 and calendar year 1997 federal expenditures totaled $26.7 billion. These figures are projected to rise to 7.2 million recipients by 2022 with annual expenditures of $33.2 billion (in constant dollars).
After 2007, the projected rates of growth in real GDP are determined by the assumed rates of growth in employment, average hours worked, and labor productivity.
The trend toward slower growth in real GDP after 2007 results primarily from much slower growth in the working age population, as the baby-boom generation approaches retirement and succeeding generations reflecting lower birth rates reach working age.
The slowdown in the growth rate in real GDP also reflects cessation of growth in labor force participation rates for some age groups of women prior to 2007, and cessation of growth in labor force participation rates in the remaining age groups after 2007.
The decline in labor force participation rates among men, projected to continue in the future, also contributes to slower GDP growth after 2007. The annual rate of growth in total labor force decreased from over 2.4 percent in the 1970s, to about 1.6 percent in the 1980s, and to about 1.1 percent for 1990 through 1997.
After 1997 the labor force is projected to increase at about 0.9 percent per year, on average, through 2007, and to increase more slowly thereafter, reflecting the projected slowing of growth of the working-age population as compared with the experience of the 1980s and early 1990s.
By the time the Clinton administration's second Social Security Report hit the streets in May 1998, most Americans had already realized the economic fallacy upon which Mr. Clinton's financing of social security in the United States has been misguided.
In Fact, Americans in the street know that the nation has been led into an inter generational rivalry over needed transfers for the present generation of retirees and the expected contributions from the baby-boom generation necessary to fund the current benefits for the older generation.
In other words, the baby-boom generation will be paying the bill but won't receive the promised Social Security benefit pay out. In the final analysis, older people will receive a net transfer from social security well in excess of their own contributions, but the baby-boom generation will go without.
The message from the elections of 1998 is that Social Security must be strengthened and reformed to correct its actuarial flaws and to assure all Americans that FDR's promise be fulfilled.
Unfortunately, members of Congress continue to play politics with Social Security rather than putting aside money to actually save the system.
President Clinton has repeatedly promised to save the budget surplus for Social Security while spending the surplus down.
Congressional Republicans have moved to overhaul welfare and save Medicaid from bankruptcy, and to lay the groundwork to address meaningful Social Security improvements.
This is a good sign.Yet, experience tells us that it will take the active cooperation of majorities in both the House and Senate to bring successful resolution of the dilemma of our times to a bipartisan end and to keep the all-too generous promise made by a Democrat president and a bipartisan Congress in 1934 to all Americans, even to us.
[Howard Hobbs, a Ford Fellow, holds a University of Southern California doctorate in economics, is the former chief economist for the Economics Institute in Washington D.C., and is currently, the general editor of the Daily Republican Newspaper.]
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Economic Freedom Declines
By Howard Hobbs, Editors' Desk
Trend toward countries cutting back on personal
liberty and declining economic growth patterns.
WASHINGTON - Momentous events since the end of the Second World War have set in a new light the comparative study of different economic systems. In our own time, the metaphor of a receding tide of economic freedom, has failed to raise all boats. In fact, some of them have capsized, while others are leaking badly.
The world has seen both slow expansion and meteoric decline. Now in its fifth year, political scientist have begun to report the advance of Socialism over Capitalism in an annual survey called annual survey called the Index of Economic Freedom. The Report, edited by Bryan T. Johnson and Kim R. Holmes is published by the Heritage Foundation is jointly released with the Wall Street Journal.
This year, a trend shows more countries cutting back on personal liberties, the Report concludes. The trend appears in spite of the fact that more countries are talking up free markets, lower taxes and improvements in human welfare. But the Report has uncovered facts which establish that such talk rarely translates into action.
Third world economies are not changing the amount of wealth and poverty prevalent in their countries. This finding was interpreted by the Heritage Foundation as the consequence of too little economic freedom.
The Report includes studies citing high correlations between economic freedom and economic growth, "... the freer an economy, the better off the people, at all income levels." According to this hypothesis, countries with the freest economies had average annual growth rates of 2.9% from 1980 to 1993. By contrast, countries with repressive policies had economies that retracted by an average of 1.4% annually.
The 5th Edition of the handbook 1999 Index of Economic freedom covers detailed economic data on 161 countries, including, taxes, foreign investment,banking, monetary policy, black markets and many analyses by Heritage economists and Wall Street Journal editors.
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Presidential Doublespeak
Clinton admitted that his lawyers and his re-election campaign
hired two well-known private investigators to assist in personal matter.
By Amy Williams, Staff Writer
WASHINGTON DESK - Rep. Henry J. Hyde(R) chair of the House Judiciary Committee, acknowledges that President William Jefferson Clinton responded Friday evening to the Committees's 81 interrogatories. "The committee will now carefully review those responses," Hyde said in a statement he released late Friday.
Clinton acknowledged on Friday what he had steadfastly refused to admit for several months. He admitted there were discussions on how to handle the Lewinsky matter with political consultant Dick Morris in the early hours after public disclosure of Mr. Clinton's alleged sexual harassment of a White House student intern in January.
In response to the committee's questions, the Mr. Clinton said he was aware that Morris had conducted a poll on public for him of the range of public awareness and attitudes about Mr. Clinton's involvement in with Monica Lewinsky, he student intern.
Morris also made an estimate whether the president should publicly admit the affair to defuse the scandal. But Clinton said he did not recall telling Morris "we just have to win, then" when told that the public would not tolerate admissions by Clinton of obstruction of justice or subornation of perjury.
Mr. Clinton also admitted for the first time that his lawyers and his re-election campaign had hired two well-known private investigators, Terry Lenzner and Jack Palladino. But Clinton provided only a vague description of their duties, saying they were engaged for "legal and appropriate tasks" and "a variety of matters."
Mr. Clinton said that he also had consulted with Betsy Wright, his former chief of staff and scandal control officer when he was governor of Arkansas, "on a wide range of matters."
Morris, in grand jury testimony in August, described Lenzner, Palladino and Ms. Wright as part of a "White House Secret Police Operation" used to dig up dirt on the president's political opponents. White House officials have denied the existence of such a unit and said that the private detectives and Ms. Wright were used only for legitimate investigative jobs.
The House Judiciary Committee requested answers to numerous questions that arose from the lengthy referral of Kenneth Starr, the independent counsel, to help determine whether Clinton is guilty of impeachable offenses.
In summary, Mr. Clinton in responding to 81 questions from the House Judiciary Committee, again made a statement, under oath, that he did wrong by his friends, his staff and his nation but did not commit perjury, [as he defines it] although he did lie in a sworn testimony made to the grand jury.
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American Confidence
Expectations for future improved in November.
By Edward Anderson, Finance Editor
WASHINGTON DESK - Confidence of American consumers rebounded in November, recording the first gain in seven months. Although the rebound does not signal a shift in the prevailing trend toward long term decline, favorable buying attitudes sparked by the recent declines in interest rates will certainly strengthen holiday spending.
Better yet, the Index of Consumer Sentiment increased, as well. Consumer Sentiment measures overall trends in confidence. It rose to 102.7 in November, from 97.4 in October. However, that is still well below the February 1998 peak of 110.4.
Another good sign, was the rise in the Expectations Index, a component of the Index of Leading Economic Indicators. Expectations rose to 94.3 in November, from 87.5 in October, which also remained significantly lower than the February 1998 level of 104.2. Both series use the year 1966 for comparison.
Three cuts in interest rates appear to be responsible for sparking favorable buying attitudes toward homes, vehicles, furniture, appliances, home electronics, and other large household durables.
American continued to judged their financial situation quite favorably, which provides a clue to November voting patterns across the Nation. The ability as well as willingness to make additional holiday purchases quickly followed. Half of all households reported that their financial situation had improved in November, and less than one-in-twelve households expected their financial situation to worsen during the year ahead. The future is looking up.
Clearly, the November rebound reflects a reassessment of the extent of the weakness in the economy consumers anticipated for the year ahead. This in spite of the long term prevailing trend toward a slowing pace of economic growth.
Making the situation more complicated, however, Americans still expressed concerns about the potential harm to the domestic economy from the global economic turmoil, and still think that the slowdown in economic growth would cause the unemployment rate to rise during the 1999 year ahead.
The key difference is that Americans now seem to expect those unfavorable trends to take more time to develop than they had anticipated earlier in the year.
Unemployment is still a major concern. When asked to identify and describe what recent economic news they had heard, Americans were twice as likely to report unfavorable as favorable developments, for the third consecutive month.
Over the past three months, American consumers have increasingly reported hearing about planned layoffs and actual job losses. One-in-three Americans cautiously anticipate national unemployment to increase during the year ahead, twice as many as six months ago.
The confidence of American consumers appears to be somewhat misplaced, however. The Clinton administration announced today the total U.S. trade deficit has worsened yet again this month. September U.S. exports of $77.1 billion and imports of $91.2 billion resulted in a goods and services deficit of $14.0 billion.
So, September exports were $1.7 billion more than August exports of $75.4 billion. That makes September imports $0.2 billion less than August imports of $91.3 billion.
In September, the U.S. Exports of services continued to decrease to a $21.3 billion from $21.6 billion in the previous period.
Real gross domestic product(GDP), the output of goods and services produced by labor and property located in the United States, increased at an annual rate of 3.9 percent in the third quarter of 1998.
However, the major contributors to the increase in real GDP in the third quarter were personal consumption expenditures for services and inventory investment. Unfortunately, increase in real GDP was partially offset by the Clinton administration's rapidly increasing international trade deficit.
[The November Consumer Survey was compiled from the economic analysis of the Quarterly Report of the Economics Institute in Washington, D.C. and the Consumers Survey of the University of Michigan, and the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis.]
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