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The Fresno Republican
Fresno Republican Newspaper Archives - December 1998

Tuesday December 29, 1998

Internet Freedom Threatened
Democracies as well as dictatorships are cracking down on Web sites.

By Phillip Lange, Staff Writer

WASHINGTON - Internet information has become an easy source of international economic and political data flowing freely in every corner of th globe.

Everywhere, except in China. The Communist government in Beijing filters out information in Web sites about Tibet and Taiwan. Worse yet, news about democratic movements and dissident groups is blocked, as well.

Saudi Arabia censors Web sites that dare to criticize the royal Saudi family. In Germany, a court recently sentenced a CompuServe manager to two years in prison for allowing access to officially disapproved photography.

In Cuba, the government seized laptop computers from protesters as "subversive instruments."

So, the Internet is a dangerous place to play, not only for children. And, the more information becomes available, the more aggressive governments become in trying to prevent its free flow with filtering technologies and strict limits on the people who are allowed to operate Internet PC systems.

From all over the globe, democracies and dictatorships are cracking down on Internet Web sites that are judged by censors to be controversial.

At last count, nearly 20 nations have imposed restriction on access to Internet sites.

More than a dozen other countries are considering restrictions. The European Union, for example, is weighing proposals to ban child pornography and xenophobic materials. In Germany, freedom-of-speech advocates are outraged by a judge's decision in May to sentence the CompuServe official to jail.

The Clinton administration, too, is trying to restrict the Internet. A 1996 law signed by Mr. Clinton, called the Communications Decency Act, criminalize on line communications that were objectionable or were intended to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass another person.

However, the Supreme Court struck down the Clinton legislation, on grounds that it violated the Constitutionally protected right of Freedom of expression, speech and print.

An authoritarian impulse to restrict free access to the Internet has attracted world wide attention this week in China, where the Communist government is conducting a full scale trial of a dissident Lin Hai, a 30-year-old software engineer. He stands charged with inciting subversion by providing 30,000 Chinese e-mail addresses to a Free China group in Washington.

Lin is facing life in prison if found guilty. Experts on Red Chinese justice say he will probably be convicted.

Sources in Tibet reports the Chinese government has blocked access to its Web site, this week.

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Monday December 28, 1998

Senate Trial Will Happen
Democrats' parliamentary maneuvers fail to sidetrack the inevitable.

By Amy Williams, Staff Writer

WASHINGTON - As hopes fade in the Clinton White House for evading the inevitable impeachment trial of William Jefferson Clinton, Senate leader Tom Daschle(D) appearing Sunday on NBC television's Meet the Press told reporters the Senate expects to take up the case in about a week or so.

The impeachment trial seems to be an unstoppable force, as the Republican majority in the Senate are moving on to a full trial. Senator, John Ashcroft(R), told reporters Sunday, the Constitution expressly forbids censure. Amplifying that point, Senator Rick Santorum(R) pointed out "... the Senate must consider the evidence against Mr. Clinton before attempting to resolve the case."

The Republican commitment explains why Democrat attepts to sidetrack the impeachment trial of Mr. Clinton have been nullified. Democrats were so rattled last week they attempted to gather signatures of Senate Democrats on a letter pledging to vote for acquittal for Mr. Clinton, at the expected trial.

Daschle depicted the signature gathering activity by Democrats with, "I don't think a letter is appropriate and I don't think it's warranted." Convicting Clinton would require two-thirds of the Senate, or 67 members.

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Saturday December 26, 1998

Strategic Guess

By Andrew Ping, Staff Columnist

The frightening possibility exists that a
war mongering mad man might be right this time.

BERKELEY - It is, possibly, a clear and present danger that a war mongering madman might be right this time. According to reports that haven't gotten a lot of press, the head of the U.N. inspection team is now saying that the attorney general Janet Reno ordered inspections at Iraqi locations that had not been negotiated for inspection. In other words, an illegal inspection order served as the 'justification' for an attack on Iraq precisely on the day that the House would have been voting to impeach Clinton.

Worse yet, U.S. military action which may have been prompted by illegal inspections, brought the British in, who supported us without question. Our President may have been so foul as to send our own troops into battle to buy time for himself as well as put our allies in danger.

This is clearly abuse of power. Is it not entirely clear that Clinton's self interest overrides the deeper concern of our nation's voters?

Opinion polls really show that below the surface, there increasing negatives for Mr. clinton. This is more important that his 'performance rating' this week, which over topped 70% with those who voted for Mr. Clinton in two prior elections.

I can't remember a time when Democrats were so happy to embrace war. It seems as though they expected the attack on Iraq that

gave their leader another few hours, at the expense of perhaps two thousand Iraqi citizens. Saddam Hussein insists that the U.N. should censure the U.S. and Britain and make us pay damages for an illegal attack. What reliable polling data tell us is that Americans of all ages and income groups are losing patience with this president. For example, in a recent poll 45% of Americans say the Mr. Clinton should consider leaving office if he lied under oath to the federal grand jury, or to the American people.

Precious little this information ever made it on Page One of national and local newspapers. Biased polls and media have made public support for Mr. Clinton appear strong.

It seems that Americans know the facts well enough, yet are unsure of Constitutional requirements imposed upon the House and Senate in such cases. In the absence of knowledge, we can't blame the media for teasing public opinion polls. It works out that when newspaper sell more papers and TV channels get a higher market share, these news sources can stay in business. It seems, too, that by pushing for leniency in the House and Congress for letting Mr. Clinton off, the political winds of our time push the ship of state off its course, into shark infested waters.

[Editor's Note. Andrew Ping writes the 'View from the terrace' Column for the Fresno Republican Newspaper every Friday.]

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Thursday December 24, 1998

Central Valley Citrus Freeze
Fresno County's $40 million navel orange crop has been lost in one night.

By Amy Williams, Staff Writer

FRESNO - Unseasonably frigid temperatures have resulted in the loss of Central California's citrus crop and the economic loss of more than half billion dollars by Thursday, according to the California Department of Food and Agriculture.

Worse yet, extensive losses are expected to be reported in orange, lemon, grapefruit and other crops as the deep freeze greatest damage involved oranges, California's major fresh market product for the nation.

Tulare County in the heart of California's San Joaquin Valley, has already suffered $370 million in damage, according to Len Craft, Tulare County Agricultural Commissioner. Tulare County's citrus crop was expected to be worth nearly $456 million.

Kern County is reporting that it has lost 70% of its navel oranges at a loss of $122.5 million, along with its entire $47.5 million lemon crop and $4.3 million grapefruit crop.

In Ventura County, the important lemon-growing region on the coast northwest of Los Angeles, temperatures were low enough for significant damage but did not last nearly as long as those in the San Joaquin Valley, according to agricultural meteorologist Terry Schaeffer.

Overall, the economic loss was estimated at about $90 million. In addition to citrus losses, the freeze also decimated strawberry, avocado and other crops in Central California.

Fresno officials were already counting the cost of crop destruction in unemployment figures. The loss could worsen the economy in the Fresno area where the unemployment rate is already in the double digits at twice the state's average. "We're an agriculture-based economy," said Fresno City Manager Jeffrey Reid, "so everybody hurts. Anything that hurts the farmer hurts the region of Fresno."

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Thursday December 24, 1998

Fresno Republicans. Who They Are.
An analysis of recent Fresno Republican Newspaper reader surveys.

By Amy Williams, Staff Writer

FRESNO - Despite its resurgence at the polls over the past two decades, the Republican Party has never achieved numerically superiority over the Democrat Party at the election booth.

In our recent surveys, we found that the words people chose to describe the national media reflect their discontent. "Biased" and "slanted" were used most frequently when 910 survey participants were asked to come up with one word to describe their impression of the national news media. On balance, negative words outnumbered positive ones 52% to 30%.

In contrast, mostly positive words came to mind when respondents were asked about the Fresno Republican Newspaper organizations. "Good" is by far the single word most often mentioned, and it is used more than twice as often to describe local news as it is with national news.

A close match between the Republicans surveyed by the Pew Organization this month and the Fresno Republican Newspaper readers. Pew found 31% of American voters identify themselves as Democrats, 30% as Republicans and 39% as Independent or refuse to state any party affiliation.

When Independents who say they "lean" to either of the parties are added to those who self-identify, 46% of the voting age population are Republicans or Republican leaners and 46% are Democrats or Democratic leaners.

Republicans enjoy a clear affiliation edge in many of the demographic categories that make up the traditional core or center of the Fresno and national electorate. Suburbanites, Protestants, married people, and those from households with incomes of $30,000 or more also self identify as Republican. This reflects the Republican Party's "main street" advantage.

In contrast, the Democrat Party both in Fresno and the nation attracts few wealthy and many minority segments of the electorate. African Americans are overwhelmingly Democrats, as are a most Hispanics, city dwellers, union workers, whites who earn less than $30,000 per year, singles, widows and divorced people, and single moms. These are rapidly growing segments of urban society moving to the political Left.

A slight plurality of men self identify as Republicans. The Democrats hold a comparable edge among women. Among white males the Republicans have an increasingly large advantage, while the allegiances of white women divide evenly between the parties.

A gender gap is also apparent among African Americans. Many more black females than black males self identify as Democrats, while black men more often call themselves Independent and often vote Republican. Only about 5% of black women or men are registered Republicans, however.

Generational patterns of partisanship are also apparent. Democrats hold a decided edge among people 65 years and older - a generation that came of age during the New Deal and which relies increasingly on those government programs like Social Security and Medicare which have historically been more strongly supported by Democrats. Neither party has an advantage among baby boomers (30-49 year olds) or 50 to 64 year olds. The voting bloc under 30 tilts decidedly in favor of the Republican Party.

The partisan gender gap is much more apparent among Fresno readers under 65 years of age than it is among older men and women, who are much more united politically.

The Republican Party has achieved significant new converts among white evangelical Protestants and white Southerners. It holds a 17 percentage point advantage over the Democrats among white evangelicals, twice the 8 percentage point advantage among white mainline Protestants. White Catholics, once a bulwark of the Democratic party, are now evenly divided between the parties.

Reflecting these trends, Republicans enjoy a sizeable plurality among white Southerners (36% vs.28% Democrats), even though the two parties are statistically equal in overall numbers in that region (34% Democrats, 31% Republicans).

The Republican Party's recent success in attracting new demographic groups, however, holds the potential for conflict with the "main street" Republicans whose values and attitudes seem quite different. For example, 39% of Republicans now have family incomes of $30,000 or less, 26% are non-home owners, 30% are females under 50 years of age, and 28% have never been married or are divorced.

The approach of these groups to government programs and big business are often quite at odds with other elements of more tradition Republican Party philosophy.

Conservative views about government, business and social welfare issues continue to distinguish Republicans from Democrats and Independents. However, views on sexual morality have become as great a distinction between party adherents as the longer standing conservative vs. liberal divides.

Today, views on abortion and gay marriages differentiate Republicans from Democrats and Independents nearly as much as opinions about government regulation and the profits of corporations. These are the issues driving print media and Internet news growth. To a lesser degree, views about Social Security and military preparedness issues and the environment also separate members of the two parties.

On balance, Republicans are less enthusiastic about environmental protection than Democrats and Independents and, despite the so-called end of the cold war, are more supportive of a strong defense posture.

Members of the two parties also differ in attitudes toward racial issues. In part this reflects the disparate racial compositions of the parties (96% of Republicans are white, compared to 76% of Democrats and 87% of Independents).

Independents, are in between Republicans and Democrats on most civic values, but they often support Democrats on such matters as the environment and whether one must fight for one's country in all cases.

Independents have even lower regard for elected government officials than do members of the two parties. On basic civic values, Independents who lean Republican are somewhat more tolerant of sexual deviancy than are self identifying Republicans, as well as more supportive of measures to protect the environment, and more concerned about the power of big business.

So just where do you place yourself on this continuum, dear reader? Write us and let us know.

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Wednesday December 23, 1998

Hard Time
A calculus for sentencing William Jefferson Clinton.

By Wiliam Heartstone, Staff Writer

FRESNO - If William Jefferson Clinton were to be found guilty of the charges brought by the House last week, what would be his sentence? The kind of punishment Mr. Clinton could be in for if he were criminally charged and convicted on two articles of perjury and obstruction of justice could be lengthy.

The two impeachment articles accuse Clinton of perjury before Independent Counsel Ken Starr's grand jury, and obstruction of justice in the Paula Jones case.

In criminal cases, such charges would be specifically defined and sentencing would be clear cut. Impeachment articles are not so easily pinned down. The articles could amount to one count or a hundred.

Criminal justice experts in sentencing contacted by the Daily Republican Newspaper place perjury and obstruction of justice at an offense level of 12 in federal sentencing guidelines.

Federal guidelines set a sentencing range of between 10 months and 3 years, 1 month for a level 12 offense, with a 16 month maximum if there are no prior convictions.

Offense level variables can push the sentence up and down the charts.

If Clinton is found to have blocked Paula Jones' day in court or the investigation by the grand jury, the offense would be pushed up three levels.

Abuse of a position of trust -- If his position in the highest elected office in the country is found to play a substantial part in his offense, he could gain two more levels.

At this point, we've reached level 17, which would carry between a 24 and 30 month sentence.

Admission of guilt -- If Clinton admits guilt in a criminal proceeding, three levels could be taken off his offense.

Undue Burden -- A defense attorney could argue for another two to three levels of reduction due to the publicity and humiliations involved in the alleged "political witch hunt."

Now, we're back to level 12, or level 11, which carries an eight to 14 month sentence.

These are the variables that go into hard time calculations that seem to have weight in the sentencing of the second president to be impeached in U.S. history.

He could be sentenced to three years and serve only four months, like Pam Parsons, the former University of South Carolina women's basketball coach who testified before the House Judiciary Committee during the impeachment proceedings. She was sentenced after lying under oath about circumstances periferal to a sexual affair in a 1982 libel suit against Time Magazine Inc.

Making matters worse, Mr. Clinton could be in for even greater trouble. As Carmen Hernandez, a co-chair of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers told reporters this week, "...[T]he telling of untruths by witnesses, that's an unholy thing."

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Tuesday December 22, 1998

The Great American Clinton
Our elected representatives find themselves inundated
with requests for them to perform in Clinton's image.

By W. Anthony, Contributor

Americans recoil from all the publicity surrounding the latest of the president's scandals. In driving numbers, they pour opinion out to dampen a seething Washington as if in support for an unscrupulous act. We all have to ask ourselves how did this happen. I know with a smirk and a sly gleam we all understand how. We really need, though, to examine the cause, and this act goes much beyond boy meet girl.

We asked for this, we got it, and we deserve it. Let all of us think back to the very beginning when the first insidious act surfaced regarding Bill Clinton's misguided sexual conduct. He was not even president, yet. I might then remind that just a few years prior, America trounced Gary Heart over an alleged affair and copulation was never mentioned. How did this happen?

We were warned. A man that had evaded his countries call, demonstrated in the presence our enemies, and had shown himself less than a shining roll model for our progeny. When this man took office we whispered, "He's the president, my child, just don't use his character as your guiding light." There was a time when we proud parents wished for our offspring's to aspire to the pinnacle of achievement, the highest office of the land. Now, we explain to our rising hopeful, "Just don't be like him or cause a 'Clinton', I mean scandal." How did this happen?

Americans in resounding numbers look as if they are in support of an unscrupulous administration, to the world. I see it another way. We hope if we stop the fan fare and publicity, that it will go away quietly. In unprecedented numbers, the pouring forth of America continues. We need to stop and support our system. Our elected representatives find themselves inundated with requests for them to perform in Mr. Clinton's image. Yes, be like Slick Willie, close your eyes and ears, and forget the oath of your office. Pretend that he did not lie, that he did not break his trust with us, and that he is a faithful family man. Can we really depend on him to deal with the world international community in an honest way? How can he, when he cannot even deal with us in a straight forward manner. Is there somewhat of a snicker there yet? How did this happen?

While we are on the subject of 'Clintons'. I see where the first lady is enjoying her surge in popularity from White Water development and how she can invest $1,000.00 in a cattlemen's association and make $100,000.00 in a year. That, to me, has all the ear markings of a Republican plot. I feel the coolness of shade clouds personally. Just by chance, if Slick would have had more interest at home this may have never occurred. If this lady is such a leader, how is it that she could not lead her chosen mate a little better at home? I am not suggesting that all is her fault, but I am a pragmatic person in the belief that, "Where there's smoke there is fire." How did this happen?

We need to stop, here, now, and tell ourselves the truth; "We made a mistake." We need to stop trying to expand on this mistake by telling our elected representatives to forget this crime, that our president has committed, and allow it to pass into the night. It does not work that way; we are all big kids now and have to accept responsibility for our electing him. Wrong is wrong and a wrong may never be righted. We can here and now aspire to the highest office and support the fact that he, the president, has lied, has had shady clouds over his watch since before it started. How did this happen?

This American is not going to ask elected representatives to follow in Slick's shining example and for them to pursue this wrong doer to the ends if need be, the same as if it were one of us. If this man, Slick Willie, had an ounce of decency, he would resign but, then, if he did, he would not be Slick Willie.

Even Nixon had that much decency to come out and say, "I was wrong," then he passed quietly into the pages of history. So, let's help history and admit we made a mistake and to urge Slick Willie to do the right thing and become a representative of our wishes to go quietly in the night and let history judge him. We need to tell our elected representatives, "To uphold the constitution and the laws of this land," as we elected them to do. If they do not take heed in our wishes remember them next November when their name is on a ballot. How did this happen?

Please, America! Look for someone with an almost pristine back ground to lead this Great Nation into the twenty-first century. The possibility is there that the future will refer to us as the Late Great American Society when the 22nd comes around. It is our choice; we have aspired to the highest office of the land, as our parents wanted. Here and now are how we never again ask, "How did this happen?"

We do it? Like we've always done it - by preserving honesty as a fundamental value in American government. But, Mr. Clinton did not intend to tell the truth in sworn testimony before the federal grand jury. Worse yet he pressured government employees to lie under oath.

Under that situation, Mr. Clinton turned our system on its head. He chose to mock the presidency and obstruct the orderly processes of justice. He went so far as tease the American justice system as he placed one hand on the Holy Bible, raised the other, and swore before God and country "I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. So help me God!" He then preceded to publicly destroy the honor and prestige of the highest office in the land. This is how it happened.

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Saturday December 19, 1998

Ballpark Vote Was Illegal

Fresno City 'financing' of the FDG ballpark wont hold up in court.

By Howard Hobbs, Editor's Desk

SACRAMENTO - Jim Patterson, mayor of the City of Fresno appeared on an early morning radio station Friday to repeat his accusations that the City Council 5-2 vote on December 1, 1998 to give the Fresno Diamond Group $8.5 millions in public moneys was illegal.
     The Fresno Republican Newspaper has researched the issue and discussed the mayor's concerns over the legality of City Council actions with our legal division. What we found out is, the mayor of Fresno is quite correct and here's why. Our certified copy of the Fresno City Charter clearly limits the powers and duties of the City to performing ministerial functions and municipal affairs. The Council's powers were further limited and restricted by a Charter Amendment through the General Municipal Election vote on April 27, 1993.
     The Charter is also subject to the provisions of the California Constitution. So, any City Council resolutions, ordinances and contracts that are in excess of the limitations of the Charter or are in violation of any section of the California Constitution are void. These should be vetoed by the mayor.
      The Strong Mayor form of government imposes a very solemn public duty on the part of the elected mayor who is to oversee all the ministerial and legislative actions of the City Council. The mayor is required to look out for a vulnerable public interest and public moneys which are subject to being raided by irresponsible Council actions.
      Mayor Patterson's veto power covers all legislative and ministerial acts of the Fresno City Council. The power of the mayor can even nullify any super-majority vote by the Council if the subject matter involves actions taken by the Council which violate any laws or the State Constitution.
      The old California Constitution Article XI, Sec. 17 Cities, Counties, and Towns, prohibited making profit out of public moneys. It has always prohibited the kind of deals the Fresno City Council member's approved, earlier this month, by a 5-2 vote, when the Council members also instructed Hilda Cantu, Fresno City attorney, to prepare contracts for the purpose of pledging the credit of the City of Fresno and for the transfer of public moneys to a private profit-seeking investment company, the Fresno Diamond Group.
     California Constitution, Article 16, sec. 6 is now the controlling authority prohibiting acts of government, like that of the Fresno City government who would give or lend, or authorize the giving or lending, or the pledging of the credit of the city and county in aid of or to any person, association, or corporation, in any manner whatever, for the payment of the liabilities of the any private individual or group, like the Fresno Diamond Group.
     However, on Friday, State Sen. Jim Costa(D) self appointed chair of a Fresno Diamond Group lobbying initiative called a meeting to criticize mayor Patterson's legal position in opposing the transfer of public moneys as a "...pothole" and as "...getting in the way."
     Under the transfer of public moneys sponsored by senator Costa, Fresno County Board of Supervisors has approved making a loan of $7.5 million to the investor group. The Fresno City Council has approved making a gift or loan of yet another $8.5 million of public moneys for the profit making investor's project.
      A spokesman for the Fresno diamond Group attended the Costa conclave and was heard to say that "... [T]he City Council's 5-2 vote earlier this month to proceed with crafting a final agreement meant to us we've already crossed the finish line."
     Mr. Costa was drawn into starting the task force a few months ago to help Fresno Diamond Group supporters overcome mayor Patterson's opposition to dissipating public moneys thru improper and illegal manuevers by members of the City Coulcil to circumvent spending limitations.

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Saturday December 19, 1998

Lies and Abuse

By Andrew Ping, Staff Columnist

The House has impeached William Jefferson Clinton
and sent him to the Senate for trial on the merits.

BERKELEY - Watching the impeachment debates, I saw a clear pattern. The Democrats who support President Clinton insisted that impeaching him goes against the will of the American people, and that we should strive for a new, more cooperative political structure that is not so strongly bipartisan.

Those who argue in congress against Mr. Clinton's impeachment employ tactics much like the President's own. Now that their leader is in trouble, they want to distract the issue, to strive for a united congress and put past differences behind them. At least until after the impeachment vote.

Similarly, Clinton himself did not have the strength to launch an assault on Iraq until it came to the day that he faced impeachment. Then, to save his own career, he was perfectly willing to spend millions of U.S. dollars and as much American blood as it takes to "protect the nation's security".

To protect his own security, he meant. What greater abuse of power can there be than to launch an attack on a foreign country to distract congress and the citizens of our great nation? What more heinous act can be committed than to cause honest military personnel to be killed to protect one's own career?

Let us not be distracted by the tactics of a slick politician and a proven liar. In the impeachment debates, those in favor did not appeal to the emotions to persuade. They did not try to defend wrong doing.

In clear arguments that cited frequently from the Constitution of our country, they outlined precise charges to impeach for those offenses.

The stronger case is made by those seeking justice and the removal of a man who seeks privilege, power and passion, and leaves the supporters of Clinton with no defense.

This is why they make sensational claims and nebulous comments about what they make an unsupported claim to know "the will of the American people". They are outgunned, and they know it.

It will be a great day when the American people can again put trust in a leader and not be betrayed.

Let us hope that congress is willing to send a strong message to future presidential candidates: breaking the law is not acceptable, and no one is immune to full justice.

[Editor's Note. Andrew Ping writes the 'View from the terrace' Column for the Fresno Republican Newspaper every Friday.]

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Friday December 18, 1998

It's A Matter of Morality

America Wants Clinton Impeached.

By Amy Williams, Staff Writer

WASHINGTON - Impeachment has become not only a debate about removing William Jefferson Clinton from office, but also a debate about morality and contrition. The U.S. House of Representatives, after a sudden U.S. attack on Iraq oddly interrupted the proceedings, set impeachment back on track today.

Now, it has become not only a debate about removing Bill Clinton from office, but also a referendum on Mr. Clinton's free wheeling public morality which would permit him to degrade the foundations of the American judicial system.

But by the end of today, he will certainly have achieved another distinction, that of being the Third president of the united States to be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors.

It is a fitting end for a scoff law who ran for the highest office in the land hyping that he was a "new kind of democrat" who promised to preside over an administration bound by what he depicted as "...the highest ethical standards." However, within a few weeks after his election to that office, he was well engaged in despicable sexual harassments of a White House student intern and ardently pursuing perjury, obstruction of justice, and abuse of the power of his office.

Making matters worse, Mr. Clinton's has persisted in refusing to admit he lied in his grand jury testimony, insisting that he was, in essence, confused about what sexual relations is. Apparently, however, Mr. Clinton has no trouble distinguishing 'truth' and 'falsehood', but he wont admit that either.

Adding insult to injury, late Thursday incoming House Speaker Robert Livingston(R) publicly admitted stress in his 33-year marriage after democrat supporters released gossip to Roll Call Magazine.

It seems unlikely that Mr. Clinton will be removed from office by the Senate. Impeachment by the House today is the first step in that process, however. To be successful in the Senate 67 votes are still needed for conviction in the 100 member Senate, of which Republicans hold a 55-seat majority.

The situation in the senate could change rapidly, of course. And, today, in the hallways of the House, there is a continuing discussion of what Mr. Clinton's actions are telling America about erasing and blurring the difference between right and wrong.

White House aides have equivocated over Mr. Clinton's egregious conduct while at the same time peddling faulty logic that he should not be impeached for it nor removed from office for the perjury, obstruction of justice, and abuse of power.

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Wednesday December 16, 1998

A Radical Notion

President Clinton's vaunted spin operation has come unglued.

By Larry P. Arnn, Contributor

CLAREMONT, CA - New York Congressman Jerrold Nadler, a Democratic member of the House Judiciary Committee, argued repeatedly last week as follows: Benjamin Franklin described impeachment as "an alternative to assassination." Therefore impeachment is far too harsh a punishment for President Clinton.

Mr. Nadler's radical comments were inappropriate. He was contending that unless a president engages in behavior that would lead reasonable men to believe that assassination is in order, impeachment is out of order.

Apparently, even the president and his brain trust thought this argument compelling, because one of their main spokesmen, Paul Begala, was echoing it Monday in numerous TV interviews from the White House.

In fact, the argument borders on lunacy, and suggests that President Clinton's vaunted spin operation has come unglued.

Let us look at the relevant passage from the Records of the Constitutional Convention: "Doctor Franklin was for retaining the [impeachment] clause as favorable to the executive. History furnishes one example only of a first Magistrate being formally brought to justice. Everybody cried out against this as unconstitutional.

What was the practice before this in cases where the chief magistrate rendered himself obnoxious? Why recourse was had to assassination, in which he was not only deprived of his life but of the opportunity of vindicating his character.

It would be the best way therefore to provide in the Constitution for the regular punishment of the executive when his misconduct should deserve it, and for his honorable acquittal when he should be unjustly accused."

Taken in context, Franklin's defense of the impeachment clause is a defense of the idea that in America, the chief magistrate is a citizen, with the same standing before the law, and the same rights and privileges under the law, as all other citizens.

Impeachment is a democratic mechanism to ensure that the president does not get too big for his constitutional britches. It is also a mechanism that allows him a constitutional means of vindication.

In turning Franklin's argument on it head, Messrs. Nadler and Begala not only raise the bar of impeachment in a way to elevate presidents above the law. They also weirdly enter the idea of assassination into our democratic discourse, where, as Franklin clearly suggested in defending constitutional impeachment, it has no place.

[Editor's Note: Larry P. Arnn is president, The Claremont Institute. It published an excellent Open Letter to Congress on Impeachment and the Constitution, portions of which were quoted by California Congressman James Rogan during the Judiciary Committee hearings last Friday.]

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Monday December 14, 1998

Very Smart Little Kids Who Enter College
Is there a place for youngsters who are smarter than their years?

By Edward Davidian, Staff Writer

FRESNO - Some very smart kids are entering college this Semester. Take Jordan Kubicki, for example. He's a 14-year-old who got his chance to be in high school last Fall. He didn't like it very much.

He was unpopular with other students, who would occasionally throw food at him as he entered the cafeteria. He was so bored in his classes that he once pretended to be sick with a cold -- and managed to stay out of school for six weeks, he says. What's more, he says, "the teachers don't like you very much if you know all the answers."

So last September, Jordan moved on. He enrolled as a freshman in the Early Entrance Program at Cal State Los Angeles. He is among 87 adolescents, one as young as 11, who are full-fledged college students at Cal State.

The Cal State program is a challenge to exceptionally bright youngsters in an environment of students their own age.

These early-entrance programs are also run by schools like Mary Baldwin College in Virginia, and the University of Washington.

Some extremely gifted youngsters head off to college alone. This year, students from the ages of 10 to 14 are enrolled at the University of Southern California and other top notch universities around the country.

Admissions officials and experts on gifted children are voicing concern that most little kids are not mature enough to handle college, and that their social development will suffer if they are separated from their peer group.

Ellen Winner, a professor of psychology at Boston College and author of Gifted Children: Myths and Realities writes that sending kids off to college by themselves is "... a terrible idea. They don't fit into college socially," she says. "They don't have any friends. They're isolated."

Highly selective colleges are reluctant to accept such young people, no matter how brilliant they are. Admissions officials say that when looking at young students, they're more interested in maturity level than SAT scores.

"Families and schools are often very impressed by younger students who can do work advanced for their age, and see that in itself as a sign of true intellectual distinction," says Marlyn McGrath Lewis, director of admissions for Harvard and Radcliffe Colleges, the undergraduate divisions of Harvard University. "But it may not necessarily signify the kind of excellence that would make a candidate a good match for Harvard.

"We try very hard to admit only people who will thrive in this very challenging environment," she continues. "The issue isn't so much chronological age, as it is maturity, confidence, seasoning. We determine excellence in a variety of ways, but precociousness is not one of them."

Some prodigies who go to college at an early age have a tough time deciding what to do once they graduate.

Michael Kearney has faced that problem. The child genius mastered algebra at age 3, and graduated with a bachelor's degree in anthropology from the University of South Alabama when he was 10. The Guinness Book of World Records identifies him as the youngest college graduate.

But several selective institutions, including Duke, Emory, and Vanderbilt Universities, rejected his applications for graduate programs, so Michael enrolled at Middle Tennessee State University. This summer, at 14, he received a master's degree in biochemistry.

His 118-page master's thesis is titled "Kinetic Isotope Effects of Thymidine Phosphorylase." He explains, that his research is focused on an enzyme that could potentially slow or stop the growth of cancer cells without harming healthy cells.

Michael's mother, Cassidy Y. Kearney, told reporters her son's many years of college study haven't turned him into a social misfit. "Michael has friends in the doctoral program, but those are his schoolmates," says Ms. Kearney. "The people he hangs out with are his next-door neighbors, people his age. We always told him he was just in a different school."

At the University of Southern California, Joseph P. Allen, dean of admissions, told reporters he is cautious with extraordinarily young applicants.

During admissions interviews, he looks for signs that a young applicant may not be ready for the college environment, such as parental pressure or reluctance on the student's part. "I remind them that education is not a race," he says. "You still have to learn things at your school that have to do with growing up and dealing with students at your own level."

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Thursday December 10, 1998

City Council Members Named
In Grand Jury Criminal Indictments

OC Influence peddling scheme involving tens of
thousands of dollars in campaign contributions.

By Edward Davidian, Staff Writer

SATA ANA - The United States Attorney, Nora M. Manella, David C. Scheper, and Monica Bachner filed, today, a joint federal grand jurycriminal indictment against several Santa Ana City Council members for an influence peddling scheme in which they allegedly extorted tens of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions during the 1996 City Council race.

The Grand Jury indictment charges that between April of 1996 and November 1996, four City council members and candidates conspired to obstruct, delay, and affect commerce by extortion in violation of Title 18 United States Code, Section 1951.

The alleged purpose of the conspiracy was to extort campaign contributions froma local business owner in exchange for the vote of City Council members after the election in November 1996.

FBI agents for more than a year have been seeking evidence that two Orange County men made payoffs to Moreno, Espinoza and two unsucessful candidates, Hector Olivares and Roman Palacios.

Investigators had been looking into three potential crimes involving the four suspects as a group and Moreno individually. Their findings are laid out in federal documents alleging that, at least, four politicians conspired to trade influence for tens of thousands of dollars in payments from a Santa Ana gas station owner who was seeking a beer-and-wine license for his North Grand Avenue business.

Moreno extorted somewhat less than $10,000 in cash and Krugerrands from the head of a group seeking a buyer for its vacant North Bristol Street lot, eyed as a possible site for a new school or a residential development.

Moreno laundered money by disguising the source of the campaign contributions. Moreno and the others refused repeated requests for interviews.

The Orange County City Hall case is unusual because it involved accusations that several politicians promised a bloc of votes in exchange for campaign money. Had all four candidates on Moreno's 1996 slate been elected, they would have controlled the City Council.

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Thursday December 10, 1998

Exceptional historic significance
Yosemitee Valley's Camp 4 has become battleground zero.

By Alison Sius

YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK - My brother had a pretty simple reaction upon first visiting "the Valley" on a student work program. He'd just spent a Wanderjahr traveling around the world, but thought, "This -- is -- it. This is the most beautiful place I have ever seen."

My initial response was trickier. I headed there with a college friend, Charlie Bates, to climb, hitchhiking the last stretch of the way. Charlie was 6-foot-5, broad-shouldered and bearded, a stolid escort. He was taciturn (we used to call him "The Wookie"), but as the last ride augured us into the deep cleft that was our destination, I left all the talking -- a hitchhiker's dues -- up to him. My heart was slamming. I looked up out of my hot plastic back seat at the soaring towers and flying buttresses of rock on both sides, and questioned whether I could or wanted to do what I'd come here for.

Our ride dropped us off at Camp 4, of course. Where else? We set up in a site with Germans on one side, Californians on the other, Japanese, Australians and a Norwegian across the way. When some British friends arrived weeks later, they were doleful to hear the campground was full, and delighted by my offer to join our site, by now shared with my friends Catherine Harris and B.A. Doyle."Anywhere else," they said, "we'd have felt left out."

It's only a few acres, well-worn and scruffy. But Camp 4 looks out upon oceans of granite, contains boulders with world renowned gymnastic mini routes and has housed climbing pioneers like Warren Harding, Royal Robbins, Yvon Chouinard and Tom Frost, who ventured out from Camp 4 on odysseys that showed the world what could be done on big walls. Their successors advanced the sport in other leaps, keeping up a blazing pace, and visitors came from everywhere to be in on it all. Books, stories and articles world wide have written about Valley climbing and the climbers' preserve of Camp 4, hub to an eclectic community of visionaries, misfits, athletes, artists.

Camp 4 is $3 a night, the only walk-in site in Yosemite Valley. It is also the base for Yosemite Search and Rescue, famed for its skills at finding lost hikers or plucking hurt or stormbound climbers off high walls.

But now Camp 4 is a battleground. The situation began, appropriately enough, with a disaster, the flood of January 1997. After the waters receded and the smashed cars and cabins were cleaned up, the National Park Service had in many ways a blank slate before it, and the chance to revisit the vision set forth by an NPS proposal of 1980, the General Management Plan. That plan sought less visitor impact and a reduction in on-site employee housing. It also cited a few of the things considered central to the Valley experience: "Picnicking along the Merced River ... a Valley scenic tour or historic walk ... a three-day climb on El Cap [the 3000-foot wall El Capitan]."

Subsequent documents intended to concentrate motel lodging and employee housing in the Yosemite Lodge area in the center of the valley. After the flood razed that area, officials decided to move the spot just slightly north across a road named Northside Drive and into the Camp 4/Swan Slab region.

They decided to put up five three story private concession employee dorms (a number since reduced to three) abutting Camp 4, and to extend the privately run Yosemite Lodge complex across Northside Drive, injecting a dozen fourplexes into the Swan Slab meadow, which is a five-minute walk from Camp 4. The old-oak rimmed Swan Slab, home to cliffs and boulders and smelling of leaves, earth and sun-cooked pine, was the first place in Yosemite I ever climbed, easing me into a world where I would soon have some of the greatest experiences in my life. One such was a four-day climb up El Capitan, where a friend and I slept tied into ledges, heard the swallows dive-bomb by our heads, and felt stunned at the moment we found ourselves looking down on the 2000-foot Middle Cathedral. To do the climb, we had gathered, borrowed and laid out piles of gear, a selection that overflowed a picnic table and tarp in Camp 4. As we squinted earnestly at our topo maps, we would say, "We need more camming units!" or "We've got to figure out how to do the King Swing" -- and find solutions a few tents away.

Beginning last year, in a series of meetings, the climbing community asked the NPS to consider that it was severely underestimating the significance of Camp 4 and Swan Slab to the world climbing community, and that the intended structures would trash Camp 4's view and atmosphere.

The NPS agreed to table its plans for the dorms next to Camp 4, analyzing them in the context of an environmental-impact statement and of parkwide employee-housing plans.

This past spring, the Yosemite pioneer climber Tom Frost filed suit challenging the decisions behind the construction plans, asserting that the NPS's environmental assessment was not up to National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) standards, and pressing for consideration of alternative sites (such as an unused Yosemite Village maintenance area). He was joined by a group of noted individuals (including the industry leaders Chouinard and Robbins, the photographer-conservationist Galen Rowell, and America's premier woman climber, Lynn Hill) and two climber organizations -- the American Alpine Club and the Access Fund.

The Sierra Club stepped up to the plate with a lawsuit protesting a larger area of development that included the Swan Slab region (not Camp 4 because of the tabled plans). The Wilderness Society also signaled its support. And over the summer, climbers sought to have Camp 4 added on the National Register of Historic Places in Washington, D.C. The park service superintendent in Yosemite protested vigorously, asserting that nothing historic took place in Camp 4.

Three times, the NPS was deemed wrong. Carol Shull, the Keeper of the Register, an NPS official in Washington, D.C., overruled the Yosemite superintendent and declared that Camp 4 was of exceptional historic significance. Charles Breyer, a District Court judge in San Francisco, visited Yosemite, toured the areas in question, even talked to a climber just returning to earth and Camp 4 off the 1200-foot Washington Column. The judge granted the Sierra Club a preliminary injunction against all construction in the Yosemite Lodge complex until trial. At a meeting in Malaysia in October, the Union Internationale des Associations d'Alpinisme, or International Mountaineering and Climbing Federation, which represents 60 countries and millions of climbers, voted a unanimous resolution supporting the fight against Camp 4 development.

The position taken by the NPS raised two broad concerns. One charge was that the agency let its relationship with the park concessionaire, Delaware North, influence it toward increased commercialism. Park officials said that by merging the lodgings, they would decrease the human "footprint" in the park, but their rebuilding plan increased customer cost (fewer campgrounds; single-story fourplexes instead of motel row housing) and sprawl. The 1980 proposal called for 480 on-site employees; the latest plan called for 1016.

In November, the NPS tabled plans for construction in the Swan Slab area while it prepared documents. There was no indication of change in the Park Service's intent for that area or for Camp 4.

In broadest terms, the little fight by climbers over the few hundred yards they love reflects widespread objection by Americans to the increasing commercialization of our national parks. If you doubt the rampage, check out the south rim of the Grand Canyon or the Old Faithful area of Yellowstone and listen to what dissenters are saying at those national shrines.

The other greater issue was how the Park Service could be so obtuse of the nature of lands within its purview: Climbers from all over the world understood the historic significance of Camp 4; so did a judge and a nonclimbing official, Carol Shull.

To its credit, the Park Service absorbed the lessons well. In a press conference this week, Secretary of the Interior Bruce Babbitt outlined a Comprehensive Plan for Yosemite that scratches stand-alone decisions and echoes the positive goals of the General Management Plan. All plans are now delayed until May, and meanwhile the Park Service has some heavy thinking to do.

I haven't been to the Valley in 10 years now, but, Lord, do I remember staying in my big sloppy red tent with Catherine and B.A. and piles of gear, and having the tent blow down one day, then fill with water during a rainstorm the next. We peered in to see our mattress pads floating peacefully, sleeping bags drooping off both ends, paperback books blown up into fat fans. Some fellow refugees under a nearby boulder moved over to give us room, and I fell asleep listening to their tales.

And now I have a fond new image: that of people from the Netherlands, Singapore, Bosnia, China, and Chile -- all unanimous about a little campground thousands of miles away.

[ Note: The editorial writer, Alison Osius, is the senior editor of Climbing Magazine.]

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Monday December 7, 1998

Children of Single Mothers
Study of single parents refutes idea that children
raised by single mothers are at a disadvantage.

By Amy Williams, Staff Writer

PALO ALTO - A study of single parent households refutes the idea that children raised by single mothers are at a disadvantage in their development because they lack the discipline a father might provide.

In the study, released today, researchers at Ohio State University compared 456 Fifteen and Sixteen year olds who lived in single-father households with a similar group of teens living in single-mother households.

Their results, detailed in the November 30 issue of the Journal of Marriage and the Family, showed that the two groups were relatively similar to one another in behavior at school, deviance, relationships with others, and academic performance after accounting for such factors as family income and the education of the parent.

"It is well known that there are a lot of problems associated with children who grow up in single mother households," said Douglas B. Downey, an assistant professor of sociology who conducted the study. He told reporters that findings suggest problems arise from the absence of the father from the home and the economic disadvantage that single mothers generally experience.

The researchers analyzed somewhat antiquated data from the 1990 National Education Longitudinal Study which was a limited analysis of public school teachers' comments on a variety of behavioral observations of children in their classrooms.

The Study may contain contaminated data, however. Conclusions clearly appear to contain possible bias from teachers who consistently appeared to rate children raised by single fathers as less well behaved in the classroom, less successful at getting along with others, and exercising less effort in classroom.

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Saturday December 05, 1998

Laws and Scofflaws

By Andrew Ping, Staff Columnist

Whether or not every punishment should be made to fit the crime,
it is pretty clear that most crimes and disorders fit the culture.

BERKELEY - Those sworn to uphold the law shouldn't be breaking it. Not in the smallest way. And yet, we see it happen all the time. While most of our police officers are law abiding citizens who are trying to do their job honestly and well, some don't seem to care about obeying the codes they've learned to get their jobs, and which they're obligated to enforce.

Several days ago, I was driving on streets that accommodated one lane of traffic in each direction. Having stopped for a light, I was surprised to see someone pull up to my right. When the light turned green, we both started moving, and the other car pulled ahead and around me and kept going straight.

This rude little maneuver is common these days, but to my surprise, the other car was a police cruiser. The officer wasn't pursuing a call; he didn't speed up or turn on his lights or siren, but instead cruised on at a leisurely pace.

More than irritated, I was outraged that he felt that he could break the law by passing and changing lanes in an intersection. It only takes a few negligent police officers to ruin the reputation of a department.

It is too bad that instead of telling our children that if they are lost they should look for a police officer, we must teach them, by example, to offer trust sparingly, even to the police officer we support.

Why such behavior by the very people who are charged with enforcing the law? If police feel they are above the law, they will be careless or in their personal oversight and fail in the primary duty to the public. Still, they are accountable.

Our officers intentions are good. Their actions, however, are not above public scrutiny. The police power to make and enforce laws is a grant from the people under the U.S. Constitution Article I, Sec. 8.

Citizens should not be afraid to file a complaint at City Hall when they witness police officer infractions. Civic cooperation is the cement of our culture.

As Alexis De Tocqueville said, "American democracy cannot function without principled behavior to hold it together." It is through equality that it is always questioning itself and subject to question by others.

This is the ideal of American civilization. Mark Twain, perhaps, had a more earthy view of it, when he wrote "My idea of our civilization is that it is a shabby poor thing and full of cruelties, vanities, arrogancies, meanness, and hypocrisies." Since no one has come up with something better, I'll follow Twain's example and stick with what we've got.

[Editor's Note. Andrew Ping writes the 'View from the terrace' Column for the Fresno Republican Newspaper every Friday.]

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Friday December 4, 1998

Claremont McKenna College
Turns Down Accreditation

Frank Andrews, Higher Education Editor

CLAREMONT,CA - The Claremont McKenna College has met the accreditation team that was not welcome on campus. That became clear during a campus dispute, earlier this term, over whether the academy, a Washington-based accreditor, should be invited to put its stamp of approval on the college's liberal-arts curriculum. In the process, the debate has shed light on the nature of both institutions. Claremont McKenna is in the process of renewing its accreditation this week from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.

Claremont McKenna has a conservative faculty that is well balanced politically aginf gracefully from its meagre beginnings in 1946 as a liberal-arts mens' college with a special emphasis on public affairs and leadership training.

"At most good liberal-arts colleges, the faculty are 85 per cent liberal Democrat," says Steve Smith, a professor of philosophy who opposed the accreditation. "At Claremeont, the real strength of the college is this tension between right and left..."

The academy has also evolved politically, after starting out in 1992 with a $100,000 grant from the conservative John M. Olin Foundation. For a fledgling accreditor to have a reputation as conservative has not exactly been good for business, given the liberal leanings of the professoriate. But academy officials insist their only cause is undergraduate education.

"I think the organization is trying very hard to distance itself from its reputation," Mr. Smith says. "They have a strong stake in proving to the educational public that they are reasonable and balanced."

Colleges and universities must be accredited before their students can receive federal financial aid. The academy just last year won final approval from the U.S. Education Department to accredit entire institutions and individual liberal-arts programs. Six other accreditors, including the Western association, have the authority to review entire institutions, but they operate within specific geographic regions, while the academy works with colleges nationwide. The academy is also the only accreditor in the country that focuses exclusively on the undergraduate core curriculum -- or the general-education requirements that all students must fulfill outside of their majors.

Claremont had already decided to renew its accreditation with the Western association, when the issue of whether to also seek A.A.L.E. approval arose. A joint accreditation was proposed, with the Western association conducting a full review and the academy performing a "programmatic" evaluation focused on the core curriculum.

The academy has faced an uphill battle persuading colleges to abandon their regional accreditors. "A lot of colleges are not at all sure they want to give that up, but they'd also like to be accredited by us," says Jeffrey D. Wallin, A.A.L.E.'s president. His is the only group that the Education Department has approved to accredit general-education curricula: "We've been thinking of moving more in that direction."

Accreditation by the academy, Mr. Wallin says, is a way for institutions to demonstrate that they truly care about undergraduate education. The academy uses a list of "education standards" to evaluate core curricula, such as making sure colleges require the study of mathematics, foreign languages, and Western Civilization.

At Claremont McKenna, some officials saw A.A.L.E. accreditation as a way to break the monopoly of the regional accreditors. The college's leader, Jack L. Stark, was one of several campus presidents to attack the Western association in the early '90s as overly prescriptive on issues of cultural diversity. "In the name of diversity," Mr. Stark says, "Western wanted to make all colleges alike." Since then, he says, the accreditor has backed down, and adopted reforms that made the college willing to seek its accreditation again.

Still, President Stark favored the idea of also seeking the academy's stamp of approval, in part to hedge his bet about Western. "There's a lot to be said for an accreditor that doesn't think one size fits all, and that focuses on the liberal arts," he says.

Some faculty members agree. "It has a set of education standards that are much more rigorous than Western's," says Joseph M. Bessette, a professor of government and chairman of the campus steering committee on re-accreditation. "We'd learn something useful by having the academy come and review our program. There would be some substantive benefit."

Traditionally, campus administrators make decisions about accreditation. But President Stark says he thought it important to put the question of academy accreditation to a vote before the faculty.

It never came to that. The proposal was set aside last month, when the intensity of faculty members' opposition became clear. Had the Claremont professors agreed to seek accreditation from the academy, it would have been a major coup for the accreditor. It currently accredits only five institutions, although the list is expected to grow: Baylor University, the James Madison College of Michigan State University, Rhodes College, Thomas Aquinas College, and the University of Dallas. Signing up Claremont McKenna might have helped the academy to persuade other small, prestigious liberal-arts colleges to come on board.

And that's partly what bothered Claremont professors, who say they didn't want their campus to be the guinea pig. "I think it's a fact that A.A.L.E. had much more to gain from this than us," says John K. Roth, a professor of philosophy and religious studies. "Accrediting us would be a feather in their cap."

Many professors were suspicious of the proposal's timing. The college is in the midst of a presidential search for only its fourth chief executive in its 52-year history. "It's more than routine," Mr. Roth says. "Jack Stark, who is retiring this year, has been president for 25 years. Some faculty members have feared that A.A.L.E. accreditation is a kind of signal about the direction of the college that would be sent to whoever becomes president."

Mr. Stark, whose successor is expected to be named in January, says the convergence of the presidential search and the accreditation issue is pure coincidence. Rejecting the academy is as much of a signal to the next president as accepting it would have been, he notes. "This isn't one side trying to send a signal and the other not."

The college's public image was very much on the minds of professors this fall, because of events unrelated to accreditation. In September, Insight magazine, published by The Washington Times, printed a list of the "Top 10 Politically Incorrect Colleges." Claremont McKenna ranked third. Three of the five A.A.L.E.-accredited institutions were also on the list: Michigan State's James Madison College, Rhodes, and Thomas Aquinas.

Some Claremont professors were troubled by the company they would appear to be keeping. "None of the A.A.L.E.-accredited institutions are our peer institutions -- not even close," says Edward Haley, a professor of government. And he notes: "A.A.L.E. comes trailing ideological baggage. It seems to me desperately trying to find its way to the middle."

Politics aside, some professors opposed academy accreditation because they saw it as more paperwork. "For me, this is not about left and right," says Robert Faggen, head of the literature department. "For me, this is about keeping the amount of attention directed away from teaching and scholarship to a minimum." Still, he adds: "It's a bit amusing that some people who tend to argue for less government interference were making the argument that the government is offering us another accrediting option, so therefore we should take it."

That, essentially, is the pitch that the academy has been making. Both Mr. Wallin and George R. Lucas, the academy's new executive director and a well-known liberal academic who worked in the Carter and Clinton administrations, insist that it has no conservative agenda, and never had one. What has changed, they say, is the national debate -- it's more acceptable now to talk about educational standards.

Mr. Wallin acknowledges that the academy's initial grants were secured with the help of the National Association of Scholars, a tradition-minded group known for attacking political correctness on campuses. But he says the academy's agenda is politically neutral.

Many observers say the group looks a lot more independent today than in its start-up years. In 1992, most of its $300,000 budget came from conservative foundations. While a quarter of the academy's $800,000 budget this year comes from foundations like Olin, most of its money is now awarded by such grant makers as the Pew Charitable Trusts, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and the Education Department's Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education, or FIPSE.

Besides offering its accrediting programs, the academy has become a research center for projects that rethink accreditation and liberal-arts education. It recently won a $303,000 FIPSE grant to finance a three-year project, involving 60 colleges, to examine liberal-arts requirements.

Mr. Lucas says Claremont is not the only major liberal-arts college with cold feet regarding the academy. That's why the academy met with officials from 25 top liberal-arts colleges last May, and plans to do so again. "It's hard to figure out a way for everyone to join at once," Mr. Wallin says. "It's new, and no one wants to be out front."

Many at Claremont certainly didn't. Eager to avoid further strife, the opposing sides hammered out a compromise in recent weeks. While the academy will not be invited to accredit the college, it probably will be asked to advise professors on ways to measure the effectiveness of the institution's general-education program. Faculty members overwhelmingly approved that concept in a straw poll on November 20. The official vote by mail ballot was due last week, and the compromise was expected to pass handily.

Supporters of academy accreditation deny that they blinked in the face of faculty opposition. "I'm not sure anyone knew who would win or lose on an up or down vote," says Charles Lofgren, a professor of American history and politics. "Now, my guess is we will agree to a relationship that will bring us into contact with A.A.L.E. and let those suspicious of them see them in operation."

Mr. Roth says professors wanted to avoid insulting the academy by publicly rejecting it. "A.A.L.E. is out of the accreditation process," he says. "We're inviting them to have a fairly limited role. We can take or leave what they say." Campus supporters of the academy "are going to put a spin on this that makes it sound like they didn't lose, but they did," Mr. Roth says. "There was no chance it was going to get to come in here and accredit us."

The compromise is fine with Mr. Wallin, he says.

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Friday December 4, 1998

Colleges swamped with poor readers
If Mothers fail to teach their babies to read well in grades K-3,
don't expect them to be able to graduate from college.

By Laurie Kobliska, Learning Reasearh Writer

PALO ALTO - In the wake of public outcry, California State University officials have started reducing the number of remedial courses they teach every semester. The legislature has made it clear that they do not want to pay colleges to teach what public high schools and community colleges already received tax dollars to teach.

Claims about the number of students who enroll in remedial courses seem to escalate constantly. We hear that "75 per cent of colleges offer remedial courses," "80 per cent of the students at my college need remediation," or "85 per cent of minority students will be shut out if we don't have remedial courses."

When exaggeration rules, the public discussion rarely focuses on what actually is meant by the term "remedial course," and whether one kind of educational deficiency is more serious than another. But now, the National Center for Education Statistics has published important data that allow us to sort out the numbers and describe some patterns in the ultimate educational attainment of students who enroll in remedial classes. Puncturing the overblown rhetoric also can lead to some principles for handling remediation in the future.

When you read that your local college is offering "remedial" classes, form now on you will know exactly what that means. It means, simply and completely this - learning how to read words in sentences. To those who learned to read from their mothers, it may come as a surprise to find out just how lucky they are. Older children and adults can never master the linguistic code of their native language so well as those who have learned to read well in grades K thru 3.

This is the knowledge base that millions of would-be college students lack. Some say, they will never become fluent in their own written language, if they have not mastered basic sight words by the end of Third Grade. Those are the magic words containing the indispensable sound [phoneme] and meaning [morpheme] correspondence of the necessary for basic literacy and intellectual development.

It takes nearly five years of intense reading, writing, and speaking practice and drill, for the average American child to master this phonetic code which is contained within the linguistic structure of the English Language.

As part of "High School and Beyond," a longitudinal study based on a national sample of the high-school graduating class of 1982, the center in 1993 gathered the college transcripts of students in a sample to assess how public school students have progressed as they moved from elementary schools to secondary schools and into public and private higher education institutions. From this data base, we know precisely when and where people enrolled in college, what they studied, how well they performed, and whether they had earned degrees by 1993. The data on degree completion and remediation were recently published in The Condition of Education, 1996.

Looking at the Report on the academic careers of 2.45 million students in more than 2,500 institutions, it is clear just what qualifies a course as "remedial." For example, in math, remedial means any course through the level of what high schools call "intermediate algebra." In the area of English, remedial courses typically are labeled deceptively "developmental" [code word for non-reader] and for students who do not read or write fluently in their own English Language. Then, a course labeled "English-as-a-second-language" offers more of the same to students who may be illiterate in another language in addition to English. Such college and university courses carry no academic credit.

The first thing you notice in the Report is that the bulk of remedial [learning how to read, write,compute] work takes place in community colleges, which account for 56 per cent of the post secondary enrollments in remedial reading, 80 per cent of those in pre-algebra mathematics (such as decimals and fractions), and 61 per cent of those in pre-college algebra.

The second thing that jumps out at the reader of the Report is that the extent of a student's lack of foundation for doing any academic work in the University. Ironically, students seem to be in the colleges and universities to finally, once and for all, to learn to read. They are not there for completion of a degree. Of the students in the study who had earned more than a semester of college credits by 1993, 55 per cent of those who took no remedial courses, and 47 per cent of those who took only one remedial course, had earned a bachelor's. Making my point, only 24 per cent of those who took three or more remedial courses had earned a bachelor's.

And here is what shocked me. For students who take only one remedial course, it was a course in writing. Deficiencies in writing one's native language generally are easily handled. But, since writing is generally the last of the language skills to be mastered in public schools, it is assumed that one has the tools to develop writing skills, if one has reading skill. What holds for a second language holds for one's native tongue.

Reading ability, however, is often the major underlying factor preventing students from earning the bachelor's degree. Deficiencies in reading skill development indicate comprehensive intellectual problems, and they significantly lower the odds of a student's completing any degree. The stunning reality of this fact come home to me when I read that one out of eight students in the national transcript study took at least one remedial reading class. Sixty-five per cent of those people found themselves in at least three other remedial courses, as well. Even in basic math, you can't cut it if you are a poor reader.

The Report data from the high-school class of 1982, reveals the presence in the public elementary schools of a needed renovation in reading instruction for a wide range racial and ethnic groups.

The urgent need for remediation in reading certainly presents a bleak picture for the mothers of American school children. For the sake of the children and the future of this nation, mothers are going to have to dust off their old phonics readers and set their children down for a long and serious reading-thinking lesson. These kids are not going to get it anywhere else.

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Thursday December 3, 1998

Gift of public funds for private ballpark
Council members will be hounded from public office for irresponsible votes.

By Howard Hobbs, Editors' Desk

PALO ALTO - After years of wrangling with City Hall officials over the want of a private ballpark the owners can't finance themselves, the spokesman for the Fresno Diamond Group, agreed to keep the Fresno Grizzlies Triple-A baseball team in Fresno. This came following the Fresno City Council's 5-2 vote committing, in principle, a City Coincil grant of $8.5 million to team owners to help them finance private ballpark construction costs.

But should the Fresno City Council be making a grant of public funds to private investors for construction of a ballpark for team owners? No, say three courageous Fresno officials. Fresno Mayor, Jim Patterson, and City Council members Ken Steitz, and Chris Mathys made it clear on Tuesday that City Council action to proceed with preparation of legal papers on the ballpark deal is a dereliction of public duty.

Fresno City Council member Dan Ronquillo, Henry Perea, Sal Quintero, Mike Briggs, and Garry Bredefeld thought it made sense to them to give away public funds to construct a new home for the privately owned minor league pro team. They hold the odd belief that construction of the private ballpark may produce sufficient incremental tax revenue to justify their votes to advance unsecured public funds to Fresno Diamond group investors.

If a strategically located stadium in downtown Fresno could attract visitors from out of town, the purchase of tickets, trinkets, concessions and lodging might or might not make any significant difference to Fresno's economic base.

A significant portion of the Grizzly fan base will come from the immediate area. And there is no evidence of any sizable fan base or business commitment to fill the stadium, when completed. If the numbers can't maintain a franchise as a viable competitor, the team's owner will soon be tempted to depart for another venue, leaving an empty monument to the Build it and they will come mantra.

Demographics of the Fresno MSA demonstrate that while the population within reasonable driving distance is comparable to other cities in the Pacific Coast League, the per capita income in the Fresno region is among the lowest in the nation, and unemployment has stalled in the double digits for several years. Local businesses are not committed to buy enough suites to make up for lost ticket sales.

The economic conditions now and in the foreseeable future are not present for the needed amalgamation of fan enthusiasm and team profitability. Construction of the privately owned ballpark with public funds will also serve as the catalyst for wide spread continued criticism and disaffection with the Grizzlies team, for decades to come.

Under attack and criticized from all sides, it is likely that the downtown Fresno address chosen for the isolated site of the private ballpark runs the very real additional risk of becoming a game day Cony Island generating traffic gridlock, requiring the expenditure of dwindling City economic resources for major parking and law enforcement administration.

Any foreseeable public benefits of the privately owned ballpark cannot offset opportunity costs of using public funds to assist the team's investors in offsetting construction costs of such a ballpark will irresponsibly divert public funds from routine functions of local government, including safety, streets, and sanitation.

The psychological effect that a minor league ballpark has on local residents is relatively minor does not add, substantially, to the stock of the City of Fresno and cannot be expected to greatly enhance value added. Therefore, the actual impact on public education, gang activity and racial isolation is slight to non-existent.

With these conditions in mind, the location of the Fresno Grizzlies to Fresno does not indicate any justification for the Fresno City Council to advance $8.5 million in public funds to support the construction of the proposed Grizzly ballpark in downtown Fresno.

Even P.T. Barnum would be amazed at the gullibility of modern-day Fresno City councilmen, like Dan Ronquillo. The renowned showman may have correctly assessed the fact that "there's a sucker born every minute," but at least Mr. Barnum didn't gouge his customers or overpay his circus performers. At least he paid his own rent for facilities that he used.

No such economic modesty afflicts the owners of Fresno Grizzlies minor league sports franchise. Instead of good business sense, economically irrational behavior adds injury to insult and to make matters worse, it is accompanied by the audacity of a second story man's breaking and entry into the host's safe deposit box.

The history of Pro sports team owners is less than honorable. The newspaper front pages have been filled with the antics of sports team owners. They routinely gouge their loyal fans with prices for tickets, concessions and parking that cannot be sustained by ordinary working folks.

Teams routinely reward mediocrity with staggering multimillion dollar contracts for their employees. Such decisions also create a dangerous dissonance between fans and players.

Long-term fan loyalty and support are spurned by owners, who routinely abandon one City after another. The driving force behind these economic facts is the provision of taxpayer subsidies for ballparks.

Franchise owners routinely demand and receive taxpayer funds to cure their own inadequate business management. No amount of hype and lipstick can gloss over the fundamental economic flaws associated with the corporate welfare demanded by the Fresno Diamond Group. Assertions of jobs, "multipliers," "spinoff activity" and tax revenue have been revealed by independent analyses to be untruthful.

Projections of jobs and revenue have fallen flat as local taxpayers are always saddled with long term debts coming from unanticipated failure of the failed baseball franchise model. There are no exceptions to the rule. Independent economic analysis of audited records has never validated the rosy economic assumptions.

I am disappointed when any business leaves Fresno, but Fresno Mayor Jim Patterson has added more than 4000 jobs in the area in the last two years. The Mayor has taken very aggressive steps to create a pro-business environment, and many businesses now are anxious to locate here, for the right reasons.

It's true the Fresno Grizzlies draw fans from around the region. It is also true, that gains for Fresno from the presence of this sports franchise for the past season are so small they are not even measurable. Actual per game paid attendance averaged around 4000 fans.

I support exploring different methods of financing a publicly owned ballpark in Fresno. But going any further would set a dangerous precedent. If we give special treatment to the Fresno Diamond Group, we would then be obligated to do something similar for pro hockey, pro bowling, pro golf, and so on. The Fresno Diamond Group has less than 5 employees. We have employers in Fresno with many thousands of people on the payroll. On what basis could we refuse them?

A majority of Fresno City Council members have apparently succumbed to economic bullying and plundering by private investors of the Fresno Diamond Group.

Patterson, Steitz, and Mathys think their opinions are grounded on legal principle. These civic leaders have an appreciation for the limited and legitimate role of government that provides essential public services and does not waste public tax money. A privately owned ballpark can never be construed as one of the essential public services for which local government exists.

The irony of Fresno Diamond Group's coercive scheme is staggering, for it carries with it immense lost opportunity costs. When the Fresno Diamond Group breaches its agreement, the $8.5 million grant to them is essentially lost. Fresno taxpayers are left standing at the back of the line with a Third Morgtage which has no economic value.

The Fresno City government founded upon the idea of economic liberty should just have said no to this private ballpark subsidy. In so doing, rational economics would have quickly regained its footing without the pillage of the public purse and political recriminations could have been averted that will justifiably hound five present Fresno City Council members out of public office.

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